Best Fluorocarbon for Rod and Rattle Reels for Walleye & Panfish

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    Maybe this is two different weight or lines but what is the best Fluorocarbon line and weight for rods and rattle reels for walleyes and panfish?

    *** I mean as a leader for both.

    Also, how much of it do you put on as a leader?

    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    I prefer P-LINE for my combo’s, I don’t use rattle reels but if I did I would also use P-Line as a leader…

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    5# Fluorocarbon works for me on spinning reel.

    Posts: 5307

    I really enjoy pline and have it on quite a few rods but being super fussy I find it becomes just a bit opaque after it sits on a reel for a bit. Which usually isn’t a factor, but if bite gets really fussy I’ll run a Berkeley vanish leader.

    I run suffix flouro for my panfish reels already so no change there.

    Posts: 377

    I use flouro as a leader mainly. As a mainline it can be a handful to deal with.
    I would never put it on a rattle reel that what fly line is for.
    I do use pline for my lake trout ice fishing. The abrasion resistance is good and it doesn’t cut into the ice as bad as braid.

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    All my rods have Seaguar Blue Label in varying strengths depending on application.

    Posts: 462

    All my rods have Seaguar Blue Label in varying strengths depending on application.

    So what weight would you use for walleyes/panfish?

    Posts: 563

    3lb panfish
    6lb eyes

    Posts: 563

    Id rather have lighter line. Maybe 4lb. Check your drag regularly

    Posts: 674

    I’d say 2 or 3 for panfish and 4 to 6 for eyes depending on the size of fish you typically catch and how comfortable you are handling fish on light line without breaking it.

    With that said I’ve used 15 or 20 lb seaguar on lakes that have lots of small pike and it doesn’t really seem to reduce the walleye catch rate.


    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Id rather have lighter line. Maybe 4lb. Check your drag regularly

    4lb would be a good choice for both panfish and Walleyes

    (507) MN
    Posts: 142

    all depends on the rods you use!!!! light noodle rods I go light usually 2lb fireline with a 3-4lb floro leader, if you only use floro for the leader you dont have to buy the expensive stuff, (difference between expensive and cheap floro is not breaking test but usually how it comes off the reel ie, line twist or smoothness)

    stiffer rods I usually go up in line to 4lb test and allways use a leader! length is based off water clarity 1-2 foot for panfish 3-4 foot for walleye and 4-6lb test line usually.

    I really up the the line weight on the rattle reels/tip ups (18-20lb test) for a few reasons.
    1, you dont play the fish much. I pull up line “hardish” and fast to not give the fish slack, you wont loose as many
    2,usually get mix bag fish on rattle reels more so than jig rods, ie eelpout and pike etc! you wont regret heavy line on them
    3, less tangling with the heavy line
    4,with no rod to absorb shock 18-20lb mono provides more give to keep that hook in the fish! YEP I SAID IT, 5-7 FOOT OF MONOFILAMENT LINE WORKS BEST ON RATTLE REELS! avoid floro on rattle reels you want the stretch in mono!

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