So, for the main big lakes, Red, Mille Lacs, Winnibigoshish, Lake of the Woods…… I haven’t really icefished since I got out of the Corps until last year, now I hope to be fishing a lot more and need to buy a few baits. I have already purchased some Clam Leech Flutter Spoons in multiple sizes/colors and Clam Ribbon Leech Flutter spoon in multi colors. I also have picked up some Clam Jointed Pinhead Mino’s in Rainbow Glow and White/Chart Purple Glow in 1/16 and 1/4.
I was thinking about getting an Acme Pendu Jig as recommended on here also.
What is your favorite/best walleye lure?
Brand, model, size, and color.
Also, what is your favorite live bait, rainbow shiners, suckers, etc……