Best deer hunting round for tikka T3X 6.5 CR

  • Ross Gunderson
    Posts: 114

    Hey guys just picked one up and wondering if anyone has puts some rounds through one of them? I have heard they are a tremendous shooter. Put a vortex HST 4-16×44 on it. Thinking of going with Hornady American gunner 140 and 147 grain or maybe the American whitetail. Thoughts on the 2 rounds?

    Posts: 756

    Pretty much every proven big game bullet offering reputable penetration/expansion/weight retention is available in a 6.5 load. If your typical hunt is taking shots inside 300 yards, any number of loads will work well, and likely group well on paper also.

    Hornady Precision Hunter 143 gr ELDX is what I shoot for deer. 1/2″ 5 shot groups if I do my part. Have only filled 1 tag with that bullet so far though and it was only a 105 yard shot so no feedback yet on the performance at distance. Hopefully I’ll draw at least 1 antelope tag here next week and can put that round to work at 300-500 yards. The 143 gr eldx load is probably one of the most popular selections for 6.5 guys shooting big game though.

    I think the only round I’ve shot at the range that didn’t produce 3/4″ groups or better at 100 yards was the american eagle 120 grain load. That shot 5 shots at around 1″. Saturday I’ll be shooting some Sig, Barnes, & Hornady match grade target loads as a bunch of us are getting together to fire on 300-600 yard targets.

    Posts: 952

    I’ve used both American Hunter 129 grain and Federal American Eagle 140 grain. Surprisingly both bullet weights shot well in my rifle and sighted in really close. My son shot his first deer using the 129 grain rounds and the deer went less than 50 yards. This year I’m trying out Hornady copper but haven’t shot it yet. Hopefully is shoots as well as the heavier bullets.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1163

    Whichever one your particular rifle groups well.

    Take a few different flavors to the range and shoot for groups. Deer aren’t that hard to kill, so whichever one your rifle likes is the one I’d go with.

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