Best deal on a Lowrance Structure Scan unit?

  • bullcans
    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Looking for a Lowrance Structure Scan unit for my HDS7
    Any suggestions where the best deal is out there?

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Sorry I cant help but I have been wondering the same thing! I was thinking with the new models with the LSS unit included in them there would be several used units for sale for cheap. But I havent seen anything out there.

    Posts: 727

    Best bet is to buy like another HDS7 gen 2 combo at cabelas. THey are blowing them out. They are 799.99 with sturcture scan bundle.. So if you think the head unit your gettting for only 200. So either use another unit in front .. or turn around and sell it for 400 on CL… making your cost maybe $400? Thats a steal on a STRUCTURE UNIT.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ben Garver.

    Might want to shoot him an email as the prices change as fast as river rat randy changes bait colors.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    I was thinking about buying a combo like you said then selling the head unit. however I know myself too well and know I would just keep the entire set up.

    I also was considering adding an Elite 7 with downscan and skipping the sidescan since the screens on the HDS7’s can only split 2 ways its very unlikely I would even use the sidescan. then run the mapping on the HDS and then the downscan and sonar on the elite…

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Try surfing one of these sites (I’m not sure how to copy a link or I would). One may be selling what you are looking for.
    BBG Marine (eBay marine store)
    Northern Marine (eBay marine store)
    Three Rivers
    I’ve purchased stuff from all of them and they have the cheapest prices I’ve found, but do compare, because prices change slightly on each site once in a while. I just bought a HB 1199ci HD SI Combo from the Digital Oasis. No tax and no shipping too! All of these places have good product people who you can email or talk direct to with questions too. A couple of them have staff that know their product stuff VERY WELL.

    Posts: 49

    I think has the best prices. I just bought a 12 inch and a 7 inch gen 2 touch to go with my 9 inch I got last year. They are the cheapest I’ve found plus you get a Lowrance rebate.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I too am looking for a side imaging unit.. but when I called Lowrance today they told me the CHEAPEST was at least $1200.. that’s if I found a bundle.. HDS5 GEN2 bundle.. I told them for that price I could buy a BIGGER unit without a bundle..

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I have seen in the last 6 months quite a few used LSS complete units for sale on other fishing web sites for any where from $200-$450. Just gotta be patient and keep an eye out……. if you looking for a used unit. I purchased a HDS8Gen2 and LSS2 both units were complete for $750. I kept the 8 and sold the LLS2 since I already had the LLS1.

    Posts: 24710

    I bought an HDS 7 Gen2 Touch structurescan bundle for $1098 AND will receive the $200 rebate from Lowrance. Initially I had bought an HDS 7 Gen 2 (non touch) for $799 with the bundle, but I hated having to mount that dang box somewhere. With the Touch units there is no extra box.
    Do some searching on the web, but there are places that sell these units SUPER cheap. I bought my Motorguide xi5 and my new HDS unit from the same place and saved over $700 between the two.

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