Best "break free" penetrating spray lube.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    I just used the last shot of my favorite spray lube for un-seizing rusted parts. I can’t even read the can anymore, it was made by Panther and this stuff was awesome, but it’s gone. Panther used to be sold by local dealers out in farm country and no idea if they’re still in business and no time to chase around.

    What do you mechanics use nowadays for spray lubes to get rusted parts unstuck? Dutchboy? Anyone else?

    I’ve got a threaded-in part that’s stuck solid. All I had on hand is WD40 which is cr@p and just made the part smell bad. And no, I can’t hit it with the torch to apply heat to it, it’s in a bad spot surrounded by rubber and plastic parts. I tried a few taps with an impact wrench on low torque but that scares the hell out of me that I’m going to bust it and bugger the threads.

    This sucker needs a good 2-day marinade in a delightful menagerie of rust-eating chemicals and she’ll be tender as lamb. Which one?



    Posts: 1275

    I like “deep creep” by seafoam. Seems to work very well on the rusted up crap i work on.

    Posts: 54

    50/50 mix of acetone and brake fluid

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Fyi running a torch on wd40 makes poison.

    Not to mention it makes for a fire as well.

    Where does a guy find Kroil out in the wild? Never heard of it.


    Posts: 7348

    The wd-40 rust penetrating spray has worked for me few times I’ve used it.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Kroil is some amazing stuff. It is expensive but well worth it for choke tubes that are stuck.

    I bought mine from Brownells in Iowa.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    ATF/Acetone mix or Kroil. PB Blaster works pretty well in a pinch when you need an aerosol can. Plus it doesn’t have an obnoxious smell.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Kroil is some amazing stuff. It is expensive but well worth it for choke tubes that are stuck.
    I bought mine from Brownells in Iowa.

    Any chance of a local source? I see Amazon’s got it too, but don’t want to wait 2 days to get this baby marinading.

    I see Fleet Farm has Deep Creep. I’ve had this stuff before, I may have to give that a try just to get going.

    In case anyone’s wondering, this is a radiator petcock on a Deere tractor and the damn “wings” are spinning rather than turning the valve open. The petcock is dripping, my guess is brush or a stick snagged the valve wings and bent it.
    Obviously, this has to be handled gently or I’ll crack the damn radiator or bugger the threads or both.


    Posts: 2117

    Kroil best hands down, help with ford 5.4l spark plug change.

    Posts: 1806

    “Don’t spoil it, Kroil it!”

    Not sure where you can get it, but maybe check out NAPA or other auto parts stores.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    In case anyone’s wondering, this is a radiator petcock on a Deere tractor and the damn “wings” are spinning rather than turning the valve open. The petcock is dripping, my guess is brush or a stick snagged the valve wings and bent it.
    Obviously, this has to be handled gently or I’ll crack the damn radiator or bugger the threads or both.

    IDK… sounds to me like somebody has been running this machine wide open and just killing it by turning the key off rather than taking it out of gear and letting it idle down devil

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895


    Posts: 87

    I believe most Napa stores carry kroil. If you can’t find any I’ve got a half can or so you can have. Pm me if interested.

    Kenneth Brant
    Posts: 5

    Any gun shows around you? Usually have a dealer carrying it. Kenny

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    PB Blaster.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    IDK… sounds to me like somebody has been running this machine wide open and just killing it by turning the key off rather than taking it out of gear and letting it idle down

    Go away, you annoying man. It is only my profound reverence for all things mechanical that has me changing out this petcock at all.

    The average guy would just let it drip and lose a few cups of antifreeze a month, but as Mrs. Grouse often says to me, “You are soooooooo not like the average guy.” So there, that pretty much says it all.

    I found Deep Creep at Fleet (of course!), so I’m going to soak ‘er in that and see if that gets it done.

    But I’m intrigued by that Kroil stuff so I threw that in Mrs. Grouse’s Amazon cart (she’ll never notice) and it’ll get here on the next order. That stuff gets rave reviews and you never know when a guy is going to need this kind of thing.


    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Go away, you annoying man. It is only my profound reverence for all things mechanical that has me changing out this petcock at all.

    Geesh. Thought it was very obvious I was making a joke and a funny one at that. Salty today roll

    Posts: 157

    But I’m intrigued by that Kroil stuff so I threw that in Mrs. Grouse’s Amazon cart (she’ll never notice) and it’ll get here on the next order. That stuff gets rave reviews and you never know when a guy is going to need this kind of thing.

    I could never make it through my career without a can of kroil by my side, I keep it in my truck,in my garage and in the basement shop.
    It would be like John Wayne without his Colt 45.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I gave up on the snake oil for 95% of my projects, no time for how long it takes. Since i started using the torch and welder to battle rust and broken bolts life has been much easier. I agree that it wouldn’t work on this project, not where i was going with this. A lot of times you can remove the entire petcock assembly, if possible it migjt be the easier way to go.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
    Go away, you annoying man. It is only my profound reverence for all things mechanical that has me changing out this petcock at all.

    Geesh. Thought it was very obvious I was making a joke and a funny one at that. Salty today roll

    For the record I totally got that. And it was pretty good.


    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    CRC knock’er loose

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
    Go away, you annoying man. It is only my profound reverence for all things mechanical that has me changing out this petcock at all.

    Geesh. Thought it was very obvious I was making a joke and a funny one at that. Salty today roll

    For the record I totally got that. And it was pretty good.


    oh good. sorry, dumb internet misunderstanding. waytogo

    Posts: 3913

    aerokroil or mouse milk hands down but you may have to go to aircraft spruce,wag-aero to get it unless you have an airport close by you might be able to buy a can there.

    those wings on the petcock are barely pressed on and spin very easily,if you can get down to it with a pair of needle nose vise grips you should be able to put a light crush on them and get it loose.

    remember,some of those petcocks are left hand thread and you may be only tightening it if you are going the wrong direction with it.
    at the worst,screw the entire assembly out.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    remember,some of those petcocks are left hand thread and you may be only tightening it if you are going the wrong direction with it.
    at the worst,screw the entire assembly out.

    Why the hell do they do that? I screwed up an air compressor because of that once.

    Posts: 3913

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iowaboy1 wrote:</div>
    remember,some of those petcocks are left hand thread and you may be only tightening it if you are going the wrong direction with it.
    at the worst,screw the entire assembly out.

    Why the hell do they do that? I screwed up an air compressor because of that once.

    most petcocks are installed with a pipe thread on its installed side,as you know that style of thread is tapered.
    if someone were to be a little hamfisted with wrenches you can actually get the petcock too tight and break what it is screwed into.

    with the left hand thread you only risk unscrewing the entire fitting rather than breaking what it is supposed to drain.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    If I remember right Sheldon, most drain butterflies are left threaded, I don’t think I’ve ran into many right handed threads on any radiator if any, on cars and trucks anyway, isn’t there a universal standard on those drains…PB Blaster down the way and it does work a whole lot better then WD.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Update. Thanks for the tip on reverse threads on petcock. Would never have thought of this.

    I gave it a good soaking of Deep Creep twice last weekend so I’ll let it gently simmer and hopefully loosen up and try it later this week.

    I also discovered a broken off bolt on the sway blocks by my 3 point hitch, so I’ve got to perform an extraction surgery there as well. At least this one is easy to get to, but I’m going to have to drill it and use an extractor, so wish me luck. This one is in a place where I can get the torch on it if needed, but it’s a 1/2 inch bolt so it might be challenging to get it out. We’ll see.


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