best bet for bait?

  • Ilove Fishing
    Posts: 3

    I’ll be staying in one of Eddy Lyback’s sleeper houses this coming weekend. Talking to his wife today, she mentioned that bait shops near the lake are sometimes having trouble getting enough minnows. Any guidance on where I ought to go to get enough minnows for three guys to fish for a weekend (fatheads are fine plus some light suckers would be nice)?

    I’m coming from the Grand Rapids area, so anywhere between here and there would work.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1762

    I’d check with the bait shops in G. Rapids and Deer River before coming south.
    Otherwise there is a bait shop near Big Sandy Lake or in Aitkin. Im not sure if there is one in Hill City or not, that may be another option.
    The bait shop in Malmo had lots of suckers on Saturday morning when I was there.

    Posts: 42

    You probably won’t need bait in Eddy’s shacks. They sit in the same terrible spot all year. By far the worst rentals on the lake. I would cancel and go anywhere else ASAP. Unless you like terrible service and no fish. Eddy Lybeck has a stand up resort.

    Ilove Fishing
    Posts: 3

    Oldstar, you’ve unfortunately had a different experience with Mr. Lyback than I have. I’ve known him for years and he has always been a stand-up guy who provides great service. As far as locations, they are moving the houses today so we might not have the hottest bite this weekend but at least if fishing sucks we will be on a fresh bad spot )

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Oldstar, you’ve unfortunately had a different experience with Mr. Lyback than I have. I’ve known him for years and he has always been a stand-up guy who provides great service. As far as locations, they are moving the houses today so we might not have the hottest bite this weekend but at least if fishing sucks we will be on a fresh bad spot )

    I would concur, I have been out of Lyback’s a couple times and follow his daily reports. He’s one of the most experienced ice fishing operator’s out there and has earned a great deal of respect from both the resort community there as well as his customers.

    Now the Eddy’s Resort on the SW side, I would not recommend.

    Also on the bait acquisition, not sure when you plan on arriving…if earlier Friday you might be fine. Remember the big DU contest is Saturday in Garrison, likely to put a dent in the local supply.

    If you haven’t gotten any from your home area, you could try The Junction on the corner of 169 & 18. They’re more off the radar and should have a supply available.

    Good luck, have fun. waytogo

    South end
    Posts: 745

    Eddy Lyback knows what he is doing and works hard at it.
    Eddy’s Resort is owned by the band. I’ll just leave it at that.

    Posts: 42

    My bad! I though he had said Eddy’s. Of course Lybeck’s is a stand up resort. good luck! mrgreen

    Ilove Fishing
    Posts: 3

    Thanks, guys. Looks like I’m best off stocking up in Grand Rapids when I head out.

    FWIW, I’ve had a number of friends from Iowa stay at Eddy’s since the MLBO started running it, and they all had uniformly positive experiences. I’d have no worries about going through them either.

    Tight lines, all!

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