Bertha Boat Works v Farm Island Marine

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I need to take my pontoon in to have last years “char” removed.
    Prolly need a few panels and rails replaced.
    These are the 2 closest South Bay dealers by the cabin.

    Anyone work with either of these places?

    I figure I’ll get it fixed up before selling plus I need the space for the Belle’s new ride.

    Posts: 12786

    I have worked with Farm Island before. Not for work like that. jester
    Work they did was fine. They get busy as hell come spring.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I need to take my pontoon in to have last years “char” removed.
    Prolly need a few panels and rails replaced.
    These are the 2 closest South Bay dealers by the cabin.

    Anyone work with either of these places?

    I figure I’ll get it fixed up before selling plus I need the space for the Belle’s new ride.

    Can’t help you with the pontoon but maybe you could buy out the neighbor for space for Belles stuff? devil

    Alex Fox
    Posts: 458

    We have our toon serviced and wrapped at Farm Island. Previous boats we’ve had serviced there as well. They’ve done good work for us, but like said above, not the same work you’re doing.

    Posts: 130

    Bertha Boat Works is where I get all of my Mercury service done. Great service department. I’ve never been to Farm Island Marine.

    Posts: 534

    Try CanvasTech in Pine River, MN… Close to Bertha Boat Works….

    I was in ther one day and they had a lot of Pontoon Boats in varies stages of repair/reconstruction….

    I was looking for a boat cover, so not for me but…

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