Lake Bemidji?

  • jasonmc
    Posts: 6

    My brother and I are heading up north on Monday for the week. Any reports on Lake Bemidji? Usually fishing is starting to pick up around this time, but not alot getting posted. If anyone knows the lake and wants to hit the water with us, let me know. Thanks in advance

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I was just in the area last week and was told the lake was very slow so we did not make it one of our stops this time. We hit Leech on Thursday and Friday and did very well with limits both days and a lot of throw backs between 18″ and 24″ in that protected slot. Our fish were caught in shallow water, under 12′ and all on jigs or rigs with shiners, leeches and crawlers.

    Lake Bemidji is one of our usual stops and we even talked about hitting Red for a day but decided to stay on Leech given the action we had.

    Good luck

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