• scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    This forum has been way to quiet for to long now. It is 11 degrees here right now and zero wind. It is time to fire up as if the cold will just hold we will be on the ice in a matter of days.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    This is true and good things come to those who wait. But dang that waiting is a long one!

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    Is Bluewater or Gander having a Pre-Ice Fishing Sale this year?

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I am not sure that either of them are going to be doing a deal like that have in the past. At least I have not been notified they are any way. Generally I get hit up by both of them to make an appearence and/or give a presentation. But I am guessing they will both have some kind of Thanks Giving sale going on.

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    That’s what I figure too. Gander has nothing on their website about an ice fishing frenzy. Just put my boats to sleep this weekend.
    Last weekend on Bemidji the walleyes bite was awesome with great weather to boot. I’d still be fishing but don’t wanna get caught with my pants down as they say when the cold snap hits! COME ON COLD WEATHER!!!!!!!!!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Hey Jeff.. Wheres Paul? Havent seen him on IDA yet..

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    He will be here. I think he is still chasing Bambi.

    Posts: 8

    Hey! Who said my name? lolol
    Waiting patiently for ice in my neck of the woods too, we almost made it a couple weeks back but it warmed up. This week looks to be much of the same. MAYBE by thanksgiving I can blow the dust off my ice gear, spent most of last season in a sling, hard to do anything, the ice sucked anyways. Thought Id drop in and say hi!! Paul

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Hey Paul! Welcome to IDA.

    As you can see the rest of us are waiting as well..

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Hows the rainbow fishing been this year Paul?

    Posts: 8

    I didnt do any bows this year but a bud who chases them frequently had a good fall. His biggest was a 24 incher, pretty decent for that puddle. When I fished this year it was prefishing for the pwt on ottertail with doc in june then rush consumed the rest of what time I spent on the water. Was just thinkin today how much fun it would be to be on mille lacs crankin the rockpiles, I never used to miss going there in the fall but havent been able to pull it off in about 5 years. Between my shoulder and gas prices Ive been hangin pretty close to home..Slowly learning how to fish for fun again, what a concept! lol Its amazing at how much you can forget about when you dont stay on top of your game.. Paul

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Ive got a trip this Thurs night.. Hope the piggies are still going.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    The last time we were out chasing them RB was a blast. We need to do that again next summer.

    Posts: 8

    I once was really good with those rainbows, lolol..
    Derek you ever mess around on lakeside reef this time of the year? I was wondering how busy it has been (the rockpile) since HJs closed its doors. Ive caught ALOT of walleyes off that thing.. Paul

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Been on the westside side this year. Lakeside is an awesome reef. I fished it alot this spring.. You gotta get down for some jumbo action this winter. Jeff is coming down and bringing extra coolers.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I am looking forward to this trip. This will be my first time on the ice on that lake. Normally every time I have been there the lake has produced fish but it did so with 3-4′ rollers.

    Posts: 8

    I havent got my deer hunting finished yet this fall, going to wait for muzzleloader season to start up and hunt with my dad. This muzzle loader stuff is a riot, click… BANG! lolol Havent been into the rifle hunting much the past couple years. Was looking at last yars calendar and the lake by home froze over on nov 23rd so right now were actually ahead of last year by quite a ways. I might be convinced to come down perchin if it doesnt interfere with snowmobiling schedule! I need a new resort to hang at down there. I know lakeside was a dive but they were good to me and by the time I made it to the bar they usually had a captain coke waiting for me. Wife says I need to go get my hair cut so I better git from here, been a year and a half, feelin a bit shaggy. lololPeace out! Paul

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Paul my wife told me that same thing yesterday. She told me that I had that dirt bag look going pretty well. I tried to convince her that I was practicing it well but that went no where.

    I was done to the folks’ place yesterday. If you need another place to hunt they still have plenty of deer down there. In the evening there were 6 of them standing in the field.

    Posts: 8

    Hey Jeff~
    I might actually get over that way, was talkin to dad and he got exited! lol Ill give ya a shout later on today .Got my hair cut, was more like a sheep shearing… Paul

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Well you guys need to get them deer quick. There will be fishing to be done starting next week!!

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    Heck, I have been ice fishing for a week now.. Your just slacking.. LOL…. I got about 8″ over here already.

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