Fall fishing????

  • wiskers
    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    Ok, pretty quiet in here…. What can you tell me about where is good cold water fishing lately? Bemidji going any good? Any one been north near Blackduck lake?

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I can tell you a couple of good things for sure.

    1.) you are going to need a LOT more clothes on then what you have in your pic.

    2) There are a lot of fish being caught right now by the brave souls that are fishing the river mouth of Lake Bemidji. Jigs and either a large shiner or redtails have been the bait of choice.

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    Well the fishing sounds good then. The river here is starting to get a layer of ice on it already.. As for clothes, when I go out fishing, catching is so good that all that reeling keeps me warm.

    Now If I could get time set up to go somewhere and start catching some would be great. I did pretty good last time out over here before the ice.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    There are some bays freezing up over this way. I am guessing that in about a week a couple of them will be fishable if it stays cold.

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 89

    I can’t believe how fast winter came this year!! Even Bemidji had some ice on it on the west side by college when I drove by at around 6:30am. I suppose I should winterize my boat on my next day off – but I am still hoping to get one more chance to get out there and land some piggies!

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I know that feeling as I was hoping for that “one more time” as well but I don’t see it happening so I am going to put the Lady away for the year. It is coming on fast!

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    This week is suposed to warm up a bit by mid week.. Hummmmm the cover might have to come off once more.LOL LOL LOL

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Sleeping in the deer stand…I mean SITTING in the deer stand today I was thinking that very thing too but I really don’t have the time anymore this season.

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    Hey the fall Walleye bite is back on.. the monster Eyes are baaaaaaaaaaaaack………Red Lake River. Crookston.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Nice fish there Mr. Wiskersman. My hopes of getting in the boat one more time is pretty much out. She is going in the shed this weekend.

    We need to do a northern MN get together up here some place this winter. Just a fun day or two of fishing. Maybe get Bruce over here and The Ice Dipper Man all over here and then have a fish fry.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    How did you guys end up doing today?

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    Well, Monday fishing was awesome as you can see. Sunny sky, Baromiter low and dropping, water clear as a bell.

    Tues, cloudy sky, Baromiter high and rising, water cloudy as all get out from all the wind the night before.. Fish… Not even a bite.. Talk about a shutdown.

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    How crazy is this, Monday it was sunny, water was clear as a bell, Baromiter was low and dropping. fish were in the eat and graphing fish like crazy… Tuesday went out again same place same techniques…. Not a bit… not sunny out, baromiter was high and rising, water was cloudy from all the wind the night before..??? Did not even graph fish… ???? Ok I understand when fish will not bite due to weather but not to even graph fish???? Where did they go.. The fish were in there all weekend and eating good. All of a sudden they vanished. I am a bit confused… There is always a chance to get a fish in a group of non actively feeding fish if you be persistant and change up your presentations but to not even graph fish.. I wonder where they go.. I searched all over the area and nothing.

    Maybe some one out there can put some light on this for us?

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I guess I would start at the deepest holes with the most current I could find. Or a deep hole with a warm water run off creek going in.

    Redwood Falls,MN
    Posts: 77

    I tried the holes in a mile area and nothing.. As for run off.. We have none Pretty odd that they all just up and bailed.. Must have been a blue light special somwhere.. LOL

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    That’s how Rainy River can be one day HOT, and the next day cold -(

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    I have seen that several times on Rainy as well. It would be interesting to be able to work them rivers for a while to find out where they went. They have to go some place but where?

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    I’d guess, in the fall when I mainly fish Rainy, they follow the food…wherever the baitfish are. A couple years ago was fishing it two days in a row. The first was awesome. Biting everywhere!
    The next day it was somewhat partly cloudy/sunny and no one was knockin’ em dead! And this was before a major cold front was coming thru on the third day. River fish are certainly different than lake fish!

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