Beer Breweries

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Since we are talking about beer…

    Anyone catch this story? Pretty cool.

    That brewery is 2 miles from us, we go all the time.

    It’s owned by a couple originally from…you guessed it, Minnesota.

    It’s got the biggest outdoor patio for a brewery in Florida…so they claim.

    1. received_2487958844808344.jpeg

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    In MN, I love the North Loop breweries. Fulton is my favorite and inbound is pretty great, and modist is my wife’s favorite…and a bonus that Smack Shack is right there!!! I usually live in this area in the summer.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    From what I see the craft beer Breweries have exploded since I left. Our area down here has a bunch of breweries.

    Posts: 5305

    Seltzer brewery, I can get behind that

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    3 Daughters brewery has excellent seltzers. We drink a lot of them in the summer.

    Posts: 812

    At my local liquor store tonight Spiral was doing tasting and had a deal going. They’re outta Hastings and have a tap room a block off the river, might have to check it out this summer. For tonight I brought home their Kolsch and a Hazy IPA. I went in for some Hamm’s. The girl doing the pouring was cute ok?! doah

    My other favorite locally is Bad Weather on west 7th in St. Paul.

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