Been through the ringer, but still kickin!

  • armchairdeity
    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    So I fell off the face of the earth there for a while, relocated to Phoenix, AZ, and haven’t logged in to this site in like 2 or 3 years, but I’ve learned so much here over the course of time that this bunch is never far from my thoughts, especially as pertains to fishin’ cats… so…

    Now that I am once again gainfully employed, have waters to play in (ironic, considering the location, but yeah, it’s here!) and will soon have the resources to play in them, I wanted to dive back in here and say HEY YOU GUYS I’M STILL ALIVE AND HAVEN’T LOST EVEN A TEENY BIT OF THE FEVER!

    I’ve found a guide down here on one of the big artificial lakes… he holds the AZ state record for flats at just over 76 lbs… his rates are about the same as what I’ve seen elsewhere. And he guides out of a crusty old hardtop pontoon boat. I am hoping to pick up a couple outings with him over the summer/fall.

    Meanwhile, Phoenix is zigzagged with a canal system that has tilapia, channel cats, possibly flats, 2 different species of carp and largemouth in it. I am dying to explore those too.

    Anyway, just wanted to stop by and dig back in. Life has been more than a little challenging for the past 3 years or so but things look like they’re finally going to go well again!

    Lataz all!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Nice to see you back man! Glad things are looking up!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Nice to see you back man! Glad things are looking up!

    Thanks man… I’m gonna try to stick around this time. )

    Yeah things are looking up. Had to sell the ‘toon… moved to AZ for a job that laid me off due to a lawsuit between them and the Gov’t only 4 months after moving the family down here. So it’s been extremely tough for a while.

    But things are very much looking up… fingers crossed. I want to spend some time on the water!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    There’s a larger river on the South side of AZ, it’s name eludes me at this time. Darn nice Flats in there!

    Welcome back stranger!

    Posts: 6687

    A guide trip with Mr flathead would be awesome. I wonder if he eats spam too )

    Welcome back, there’s some new dorks on this site, like me.

    Posts: 7348

    Seeing you were from the NW burbs of Mpls, you got any secret spots to tell a guy now that you aren’t around anymore whistling Hate to see some prime spots go to waste whistling I’d pay in fishbucks but those got dusted toast

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    @BK – Yeah… I’m going to do my research and max out my fishing opportunities around here before we head North again. I am hoping to re-relocate back in the MN/IA/WI area within the next couple years. We shall see. Either way, you haven’t seen the last of me, sir! )

    @FB&RM – welcome, you won’t find a better crew of miscreants from whom to learn everything you could ever want to know.

    PS – don’t argue with Goatsie about species ID… you’ll lose. )

    @nhamm – check your PMs )

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You are lucky you still have flats to fish for in AZ.

    Living in Florida now, the closest flats are about 5 hours north of here. If I’m driving 5 hours in Florida, it ain’t going to be North!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    You are lucky you still have flats to fish for in AZ.

    Living in Florida now, the closest flats are about 5 hours north of here. If I’m driving 5 hours in Florida, it ain’t going to be North!

    SO… you gonna update your username? I mean… when MPLSpug isn’t in MPLS anymore, there’s something deeply wrong with the world! doah

    AZ wasn’t my choice (but there was work here, long story), but yeah, there’s some decent cat waters in the state and even the waters that suck are stocked with channels. I’m really hoping to break away and get some canal fishing in. Apparently in some areas the channels get huge and there are very occasional flat catches in them as well.

    Why FL, just out of curiosity?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You know of another fishing capital of the world???

    Actually my wife grin said she was done with the cold. I’ve always wanted to live in Florida, because I love heat and humidity as much as I hate cold and snow.

    We do have some decent catfishing down around where I live.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Dude… tarpon. Word! Plus there’s some crazy gar fishing and whole new array of species in the brackish water. So yeah…

    My folks lived in Titusville for a few years, I got to go stomp around Merritt Island and, while no fishing, my interest in reptiles was extremely useful out there.

    Next time I’m in FL I’m fishing tho… cuz they lived on the shore (right next to the Merritt Island Causeway) and the dolphins were insane! It was really freaking cool.

    Congrats man. Glad it’s working for you!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    Welcome back… settle back into that armchair !!!! waytogo woot

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Ever go buy Haulover canal on Merritt Island? I fished it once, but its a pretty popular shore fishing spot without a lot of open areas without trees to fish. They pull some hog Black Drum and other fish out of there. Still a little bit of a “haul” for me to drive (about 45 minutes).

    I also have fished Veteran’s Memorial Pier a few times. It’s perfect for bringing the ladies to, since you can park right next to where you fish. Fun if you like catching and playing with puffers. It also doesn’t hurt that there is a little Tiki bar there.

    Now that the wedding is over, time to pay down the debt so I can get a boat!

    Let me know if you figure out the tilapia. I Got a pond loaded with the vegetarians near the house.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Tilapia is easy, actually… I learned how they fish for Tilapia when we were in Israel trying to fish the Sea of Galilee.

    Check your PMs.

    Let me know when you find a monster cat down there in the swamps. )

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Welcome back… settle back into that armchair !!!! waytogo woot

    Right on, dude! Can’t spend too much time in the armchair tho… I’d rather be fishing. Unless the armchair is on a pontoon boat. Then I’m good. yay

    Posts: 9330

    Looking forward to your AZ reports. Welcome back.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Used to fly into Phoenix then drive to Yuma for work…Colorado has flathead, and big ones. Gila river dumps in near Yuma…I know, that’s quite a haul but it IS water. Some good bass and panfishing along the Colorado there too. If you hike or explore, the KOFA wildlife refuge is cool. Just DON’T accidentally wander onto the Army’s Yuma proving grounds to the south-they really hate that! Oh yeah, literally EVERYTHING in that desert will either bite, sting or poke you, so be aware. We used to have to do a “snake and scorpion” check every morning at the shop. shock
    Arizona: The only place I’ve ever been where the river’s actually get SMALLER as they go. frown

    Welcome back!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    @beachbrian – yep! That’s the guy!

    – Yeah, there’s a LOT of fishing water in AZ… unfortunately most of it is 2+ hours from Phoenix. I’m really hoping that over the course of the year I’ll be able to get some time in, but with those kinds of travel times it’s generally an overnighter, so I need to get the finances in order first. )

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