Beef Ribeye roll

  • Pailofperch
    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    So, I won a “meat pack” at a recent event. My FW went to pick it up. I received 10 lbs of ground beef, and a 17 lbs Ribeye roll. What do I do with this thing! grin I’ve never cooked ribeye. So, I, Grasshopper am all ears to the Senseys of the meat world!

    My wife was instructed to keep it in the fridge for 6 weeks, and rotate it frequently. Then cut into smaller pieces.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    You can cook that rib roll as a whole or partial as prime rib. Basic recipe would be season put in oven at 425 for 45 minutes then reduce temp to 225 until desired internal temp mine is 135, and then rest. Another option which I prefer is to cut it into ribeye steaks. Cut what ever thickness you would like. If the rib roll was not frozen and vacuum packed place in fridge for 2 weeks this will tenderize the roll. Sounds like you won a nice score. That rib roll is worth around $200

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22375

    I would cut in to steaks

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    I have a Showtime Rotisserie that slowly rolls horizontally and I will sometimes put a “slab” of meat in there. It works wonderfully and even makes a lesser cut of meat like a chuck roast tender and tasty. I even put a ham in there last Easter and drizzled it with maple syrup and that turned out fantastic.

    Posts: 2960

    You are a LUCKY MAN! Sounds like you have enough for some steaks and a Prime Rib Roast or two!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Prime Rib! Lots of easy recipes out there. Google is your friend.

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