Beaver Bait Beavers

  • BrianF
    Posts: 822

    Seems there is some interest in this bait for muskies and pike, so wanted to put a thread up to discuss them. Here’s my take on Beavers – for what thats worth.

    Beavers are my main musky bait these days and have accounted for nesrly all of my +50″ fish since coming on the market. The natural swim, undulating hair, and the random fluid action of the tail can be musky magic at times. I specifically use the ‘lake edition’ Beaver XL as the extra weighting gets the bait down to the desired depth quickly and allows more speed on the retrieve – both keys for success IMO.

    I have a dedicated rod for them in which the leader is permanently affixed to the bait – no snap or split ring. This reduces fouling and eliminates one potential source of failure at the connection point.

    The hardware on the bait might be adequate for smaller fish, but needs to be changed out if the possibility of big fish exists. No offense to the manufacturer, but I completely dis-assemble the bait upon purchase and replace all the split rings between the sections and those affixed to the hooks, plus I change out the hooks. The stock hooks and rings are soft and can/will fail after encounters with large fish. I use Mustad 3551 trebles in 9/0 and Bucher super split rings to replace the stock hardware. If larger diameter split rings are used to replace the stock rings between the body segments, the bait will foul more often, leading to wasted casts and frustration. Keep the split ring diameter the same or smaller.

    In my experience, the stock bait is not a great hooker due to the hard head, hard body segments, and molded rubber tail all acting to reduce the gap on the hooks. The bait can be made to be a better hooker though by up-sizing the trebles and modifying the tail section. I can discuss that mod further if there is interest – this thread is already getting too long.

    There are other thoughts and modifications I have about the bait, but will pause here.

    Who’s using Beavers and what mods are you making to them?

    Wright County
    Posts: 3191

    I run them stock. I have never caught a fish on one yet but it does move a lot of fish. I personally like the xl as it hangs super well.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I have looked at getting the Beavers many times. Just never pulled the trigger. Mainly because I designed a lure similar and never caught anything on that. I think I may have to grab one now.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    What is your favorite way to work the beaver? devil

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    Yep, Like most I’ve looked at them but never pulled the trigger and purchased one. Great Info. on the Mods. I’d be interested in seeing the attached leader setup. length and what you put on the end to attach to the main line. Also some Info on how you work them. Once again I mostly fish Large pike in Canada but I’m sure the technique with work the same on Large Pike. Maybe even better as they often are more aggressive than Muskie, At least Canadian pike. what are the colors you have had the best luck with?

    Posts: 1902

    I have been wanting to get my hands on a river rat from beaver baits for 2+ years. I wish they could get their supply figured out.

    Posts: 3319

    Beavers have caught a lot of fish and not the kind with fins. whistling devil

    Posts: 822

    I’d be interested in seeing the attached leader setup. length and what you put on the end to attach to the main line. Also some Info on how you work them. what are the colors you have had the best luck with?

    As far as leaders, I do things differently than most. I use 80lb Hollow Ace hollow core braid with a top shot of approximately 8′ of 130lb fluoro. To that is attached a 12″ piece of 200lb fluoro, crimped on to the 130 with an aluminum sleeve. A soft bead attached just above the crimp protects the rod tip and helps to know when to begin a figure 8 at night. The 200lb fluoro is crimped directly to the line tie of the Beaver (see pic).

    As for working the lake edition, I tend to let the Beaver fall to the desired depth, then work it fast with intermittent pumps to accelerate the bait momentarily. The original version is considerably lighter and works best in shsllow situations IMO.

    As for colors, I own three white and three black versions. Both have accounted for +50″ fish, but my confidence is with white since ciscos are present where I tend to fish.

    1. IMG_2364-1.jpeg

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    Yep. Going to get a few of those for next years Canada Trip. You said the original one is lighter and works better in Shallow water. What is the fall rate of each version of these. Our spring trip is mostly rather shallow water fishing ( Shallow bays, bullrush weedlines, shallow rocks and reefs ) Our fall trip is a mix of both shallow and deep fishing ( Shallow weedflats and small weed beds as well as deeper Underwater points and humps) Have you fished the Mini size? I think that may work better for my purpose. Although these pike in Canada will take a big bait. Do well on the Larger swimming Dogs, Posseidons, and Suicks so maybe the reg. sized beaver may be just fine

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    As far as a direct connect leader I was thinking of Just using a 120 Fluro leader direct connected to the bait. Just a matter of what length I need it.

    Posts: 822

    I’m only guessing on the fall rate but would estimate the original version falls about a foot per second and the weighted lake edition version falls probably 2X that. If planning to fish shallow water, the original version would be the way to go.

    I have not fished the mini version so can’t comment on that.

    Just a sidenote Thumper… Pike are the only species I don’t pursue intentionally, but if I did I would be throwing a Manta!

    Posts: 402

    Great info Brian. I throw a lot of blades and rubber so the Beaver has not made it into my line-up yet, but I just added one to my Christmas list.

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