What to do?

  • Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    My baits are still getting hit every day but they are starting to turn more nocturnal. I have started to put out less bait hoping to have the bears compete with each other. It is working but the two biggest bears still show up within an hour after dark. Is it too much of a gamble to not bait for two or three days? I have corn within a 1/4 mile. Will they just give up on me on go to the corn? Any thoughts?

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    I wouldn’t give up if they are still hitting . I’m not sure how much food you are giving them but I would try just putting like a 1/4 bucket in and just maybe they will start coming in early thinking another bear is eating it all up If they know they have great eats at your site they will not stop coming to it (well they could) but they will come back and check it
    If that don’t work move stand and crib 50 or so yard It has worked for me on 2 dif bears

    Byron, Mn
    Posts: 7

    They will be back. A ¼ mile is not that far away and if you’re baiting with sweets and not corn they will keep checking back looking for the goodies.
    It could very well be that some of the bears know your there. A lot of the time bears will sit out 30 or more yards from the crib four hours and just watch and listen; waiting to make sure the coast is clear. They know humans are bringing the food out and they do not want a confrontation with us or the big dominate bear. This is were hunters usually screw up by not sitting quiet or still enough. The bear I shot last year I spotted just glimpse’s of him an hour and forty five minutes before he finally came in. The bear I shot this year I never know was there until a bird went nuts and he was only 18 yards from me. As one of the members here posted “Whitetail still won’t cut it. You have to stay absolutely motionless.” Bears can figure out pretty quickly where you’re sitting because your scent is mostly in that area. Several things you can do is leave your stand there and put another one up down wind. Doesn’t need to be moved far. Then two guys in and have the one leave your old stand 45 minutes before quitting time. If you don’t have the man power just sitting in the new stand very well could do it. I try to set my stands for bow hunting 16 to 20 yards from the cribs and if I have a big boar hanging up on me I’ll set a stand 30 to 50 yards away and use a rifle. You could also follow there trail back to where they are hanging up and set up a stand. Drop a few marshmallows to give your bear a distraction.
    Good luck with your hunt!!! Sam

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Well, with my recent run in with the neighboring property owner…the same one who stole the card out of my camera. I found out he is baiting also. I couldn’t figure out why I was down to only baiting a gallon of bait and most of them are still in after dark and will come back throughout the night until it’s finally gone. I guess if they are getting fed from two different places they can choose what and where is the best food. I’m going to have to throw in the towel with the bow and go strictly gun…. I’m going to throw a climber up away from the bait in the direction most are coming from and sit tight. It’s thicker than He** in there but it’s worth a shot. It does me no good seeing pictures of the big ones every night 50 minutes after I get out of my tree. I can’t bring myself to shoot the 100 to 200 pounders I’m seeing during shooting hours. I will move my bait if I don’t shoot one this weekend. Thanks for the tip! Any other suggestions let me know!

    Posts: 6441

    Good luck !

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I should also mention. We are baiting between 8:00 and 9:30 am every day with a drive on the wheeler most of the way. I go in when we bait in the morning and sit all day. I’ve got over 50 hours on this bait. I am only sitting it when the wind is right. If it’s not right I have 3 other baits to sit. I have been told to NEVER switch up your bait once it is getting hit consistenly….can I add something different? I will go buy cookie dough, doughnuts, etc if I need to. I am using a mix of cookies, waffers, and granola right now. Most of the scat is full of choke cherries right now. Is there a substatue I can use that would be close?

    Byron, Mn
    Posts: 7

    It’s always a good idea to bait at the same time of day to let the bears pattern you because they will be more comfortable at your bait site. Be sure to make noise on your way in when baiting to give the bears plenty of warning. To surprise a bear up close would only send him nocturnal or stop him from hitting your site altogether. Baiting then sitting is a differant tactic so being quiet is a must. I would rather bait, go back and shower get ready then sneak in and sit. Seems to work better in our area. We have a saying at our camp that the guy with the best bait wins. With all the other bait sites out there you want the bears coming to yours first. We use mainly sweets with some meats. Our typical bait crib would be made up of pastries, nuts, cherrys, honey, peanut butter, apples covered in caramel, gummy bears and popcorn mixed with fryer or bacon grease. Peanut butter has been an A 1 bait for us along with honey. We will keep these somewhat separated to give the bears a choice. No use using a variety if your going to cover everything in caramel. We spray liquid smoke on all the trees in the area for scent and pour the fryer grease around the crib to let the bears track it back into the woods. We have never had a problem with adding different food baits and have actually switched up on purpose trying to bring a cautious bear in for a shot. I would try a little honey and peanut butter smeared on a rough barked tree and some in the crib. I applaud you for being able to sit all day . I cannot. Sitting motionless that long for bear hunting is to hard on my old bones and back, 4 to 5 hours is my limit. Most of the bears I have shot have approached unseen and unheard by me and were within yards of the crib watching for sometime before they were satisfied enough to come the last 10 yards or so. My point being is that they could be within 10 to 50 yards for hours watching and listening to be sure the coast is clear. You usually only have one shot at even the young bears. Good luck hunting! Sam

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I can’t thank you guys enough for all the suggestions. This is not my first go around when it comes to bear hunting and my family is into every year even if we don’t have a kill tag. It is always GREAT to hear what works for other people.
    We ride in on the wheeler so they know we are coming. We bait every day between 8:00 and 10:00 am. I added cherry, blueberry, and apple pie filling two days ago and will contiue through the end of season. I also have an endless supply of maple syrup that I will be adding tomorrow… (helps when you have your own sugar shack. I think I will call around tomorrow for some bulk peanut butter.
    I’m going to throw up a climber tomorrow morning if the wind is right so I can be off of the bait in the direction he is coming in from most days. I will be sure to keep you guys posted. Keep the suggestions coming!

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