Nice, will be nice to hear when you have them back in stock!
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Bear Hunting » 2011 Recap – 1st trip to bear camp, not my last!!
2011 Recap – 1st trip to bear camp, not my last!!
September 14, 2011 at 3:46 pm #197501
Oh boy, what a week. I left my house on the morning of September 3rd, headed north to help Todders out with a few things around his farm. As it seems with most things in life Plan A turned into Plan B. No problem, we adjusted on the fly. We spent the day changing out memory cards on the trail cams, putting together a box blind(which is sweet as heck) and visiting Bob B for an amazing burger for lunch. Thanks Bob and it nice to meet you Bobby! Todd and I finished our day back at the cabin over a great meal and few cold ones reviewing trail camera pics. I really enjoyed spending the day with you and your family. Tell Diane I’ll lock out Facebook on the network anytime she is ready. LOL.
The next morning I was up at 6:30 headed for bear camp north of Duluth. I had been anticipating and planning this trip for almost two years. I was wound pretty tight and it was all I could do to set the cruise at the speed limit that morning. Funny how long those drives take when going on a hunting trip, I arrived in camp about 9AMish that day. Met everyone and did my best to remember the names. One stroll through the shop and I knew I was going to fit right in. Guns on the wall, bows hanging everywhere, fishing rods and wheelers. Who wouldn’t like this place? You ever meet one of those people you are just drawn to? Well, Sam’s dad Dick is one of those guys. 70 + years old and you should see the pile of wood he split.
I had witnessed the pictures of the operation these guys run, but until you experience it first hand, it’s really hard to appreciate. They were running 12 bait sites this year, down from the 21 in the past. I simply can’t imagine how hard they must have had to go in order to keep up. I didn’t feel right just standing around, so I jumped in and figured they would tell me when I messed up. We filled a bunch of buckets, some guys have their own “mix” others not so much. We loaded the buckets on the trailer and headed out with two trucks and wheelers in tow. The first site we hit had not been hit, but we added a bucket to it anyway. There was only one bear on this site, but it was a good one. Needless to say, this bear never showed himself during the day my entire stay up north. Next, we were off to MY spot. I had a sow and cubs and a decent boar hitting this spot. We trekked into the spot with high anticipation only to be let down. Wasn’t hit. Ironically, this was the theme at all but a couple sites. And those bears had turned nocturnal also. I didn’t let this dampen my excitement though. I had thought about this for two years, it was going to take more than a few un-hit sites to get my spirits down.
I sat at MY spot for the next 3 nights. Only getting a visit from a local pine martin, what a cool little critter. On the first night, I heard the distinct call of a moose, but couldn’t ever see the beast. That would have been something else. We spotted moose tracks on several trails throughout the trip, along with bear and lots of wolf tracks. All a first for me, I was just taking in the big woods up north and enjoying it more than I can describe with my SD vocabulary. By Wednesday, it was getting really warm during the afternoons. A factor I believe played a large role in our success. However, that didn’t prevent one of our hunters from arrowing a nice bear on Monday night. He weighed in at 140lbs, Bryan’s first bear that took him 3 seasons to connect. Congrats Bryan!!
For the next 4 days, Jason was kind enough to give up his A spot to me. Up until Sept 2nd, we had bears hitting this site all day long. Well, needless to say even though the site was getting hit each night, it was late. 10PM, 2AM, 4AM etc…. I was still enjoying my hunt even though I was just sitting there sweating. On Friday, about 7:50 I get a text “Bear Down” from Sam. I had just coughed right at prime time and was going to leave anyway. I hustled back to the wheeler then to camp. Only to miss Jason and Bryan headed out to help. Luckily I had been helping bait, so I knew where to go. I quickly changed clothes and headed down the road. Again, it seemed like a long trip only a few miles away. I parked with the rest of guys and headed into the woods. About the time I was 50 yards from the road I had to check my text message to confirm it was “down” and not something else. Walking through the north woods is erie, especially if you think you have a wounded bear running around. Not the case today though. I walked up to the bait the site and could hear the boys talking. Found my way all 13 yards from the crib and jumped in on the celebration. Sam shot a beautiful 220lb chocolate phase bear. His first color phase. This guy has killed a lot of bears and is about as passionate about it as they come. It was fun seeing an experienced veteran get all giddy over his trophy. After some high fives, a few hugs and some pics, into the Otter sled the bear went. Now the work starts.
The average bear in Mn is somewhere around the 120lb range. This bear being a “good” bear from what I’m told was heavy as heck dragging it out. Jason, Bryan and I took off, what seemed like a short walk in from the wheeler wasn’t so short. We stopped once to catch our breath and re-hydrate. My lungs were on fire and I couldn’t wait to see the wheeler. I can only imagine what the crew went through 3 years ago when Jason arrowed a 410lb monster. I’m actually glad I wasn’t there…. So our camp was now 2 for 6, better than the state average, but down from years past for this group. I personally was having such a fun time my goals shifted from getting a bear to seeing a bear to just enjoying the time up north.
Driving home last Sunday, I had 4 hours to think about the trip and the memories. Sam, I’m sorry I pierced your deer’s ear. But he is now “hip”.
Jason, THANKS so much for inviting me into your group.
Sam, THANKS for allowing me to stay at your place and hunting the stands you have worked so hard at establishing over the last 10+ years. Your passion for bear hunting is definitely contagious.
Bryan, it was awesome to share camp with you. Congrats on your first bear, I hope I’m there for many more!!
Boys, it truly was a trip of a lifetime I plan to make many more times! THANKS!
Anyone for some blackened cajun crappies?
September 14, 2011 at 4:19 pm #110113Sounds like an awesome place with good people! That alone made for a great trip I am sure, not to mention you were hunting!!!
Posts: 324September 14, 2011 at 5:03 pm #110121Kooty:
It’s hard to take enough of these kinds of trips. For those that don’t enjoy the outdoors in some way, shape, or fashion, and spending time with friends and family in this regard, I feel sorry for them. Sounds like you made plenty of new friends and memories, and that’s what it’s all about. Congrats to Bryan and Sam for taking bears, there’s something very different and cool about hunting them for sure.
September 14, 2011 at 10:42 pm #110143great read Kooty!! I hope to get up north bear hunting in the coming years
September 15, 2011 at 12:59 am #110153Good read kooty and despite having to sweat most nights on stand it sounds like you and the boys had a great week. Keep the good faith and good luck on your next journey into the woods
. Got plan A done last weekend
and I will remind my mom that is an option.
September 15, 2011 at 1:15 am #110154Great Job Guys
This has been a tough year for bears in my neck of the woods
Kooty, you Todd and anyone else are welcome to stop in for a burger and a beer anytime
September 15, 2011 at 2:56 am #110157Not to take away from the bear report, but Bobs burgers (anyone seen that show
), are something great. No bs, everything is cooked in just right
Posts: 6441September 15, 2011 at 11:57 am #110163Nice recap Kooty ! I can only imagine how much fun that would be
I need to scratch bear hunt off my bucket list real soon.
September 15, 2011 at 12:50 pm #110168Thanks for the great write up Kooty, as we all found out it was a tough year in our area. The season started out with warm weather and a good crop of hazel nuts. As in the past the bears stopped hitting the sites when we started hunting, but unlike in the past they did not start trickling back into them within a couple of days.
Having Labor Day right after opener with all the people camping and target shooting is always a factor in bear hunting. After day 4 we found out that 3 of our sites had other hunters that inadvertently set up within a couple hundred yards of them. All that commotion in the woods can drive the bears back in the swamps not to return until things settle down.
The first 4 days of the hunt I sat and filmed for my girlfriend Kathy trying for a large boar with a cinnamon mane. I spent the rest of my hunt at that same stand not seeing the boar with the mane but arrowing a nice chocolate boar.
When I was in the stand that night I saw a spot about 15 yards away and was thinking that I did not remember seeing that log before. I just stared at it for a couple minutes, not seeing it move. I was looking around but kept coming back to that spot. Then a bird went crazy with its alarm call and I saw the ear and that light brown muzzle. Reaching down I turned on the video camera and was not going to grab my bow thinking it was a cub because a full grown bear could not hide in that little area. Boy was I wrong! He ended up walking out after awhile and giving me a broadside shot at 18 yards. With my heart pounding I made a double lung hit and he ended up expiring 13 yards from the crib.
On the day we were leaving we collected the scout cams and stands we found out the bears were starting to hit the sites during the day.Thats bear hunting.
Thanks Kooty for all your hard work and the laughs you brought into camp. Will look forward to seeing you next year.
I want to thank Kathy and Mary for all the work they put in keeping a clean camp and good food on our plates.
Mike and Jason for their contributions and of course my 76 year old father who can still out work me.
I’ll post photos when I can figure out how.
SamP.S. Kooty watching you hit the bulls-eye with your bow on the deer and bear at 40 and 50 yards was inspiring….
But your rifle shooting needs a lot of work.
September 15, 2011 at 1:05 pm #110169About time you get on here “slacker” …. Welcome to the fun bud
September 15, 2011 at 2:08 pm #110175Thanks for the report Guys. I love to see those bruins and the colors are fantastic.
Congrats on harvesting a beautiful animal
September 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm #110177Thanks for that write-up Sam, and welcome to IDO. I can tell you’ve got alot of bear hunting experience from what you typed, and we’re glad to have you!
September 16, 2011 at 4:13 pm #110292Thanks for the welcome everyone. Look forward to being part of this team. Here are a few pics from the hunt.
September 16, 2011 at 4:37 pm #110294REALLY SAM
It’s game on with the pictures now
I didn’t know you could find bears up in the trees
September 16, 2011 at 5:31 pm #110300I’m sorry, but I just wanted the guys to vote on who was better looking.
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