Applications…Maintaining relationships…It has to be done
I finally drew a kill my first kill tag and went fullbore at bear. I have lived and breathed bear since February.
I have made the trek 2 plus hours north well over a dozen times since July 1st. I ran three stations, but only 2 had light activity and one had a shooter we guessed at 225-250.
Opener came and went with just a smaller bear I passed on laying in the bait for 25-30 minutes. On day 2 I had a bear appear at 60 yds and he made a bee-line checking the wind the whole way. He circled and I knew it was the shooter. At 11 yds he could not handle the Grim Reaper….
He tipped the scales at 374.5#s and his skull greened at 19.4″. What a great bear!
It was an awesome experience made possible by the following people:
Steve D
Steve H
and Cory
Thank You very much…you all played a role in this!!