As I was digging through the pantry looking for chilli fixing I came across out dated can goods. Most folks are just tossing all this bait . DONT As we learned last year the bears do like junk food and a variety but they also don’t mind sweet potates, pumkin pie mix, pudding, cake mix, jello, old cereal. We even concockted a variety of it all and as we know if it smells good the bears will come and check it out and that may be the chance you need to harvest your bear. So keep your eyes open and even talk to the old folks in your family as I do and have them set this stuff aside . Making bait at camp was a good break in time and kind of a experiment, but Isuggest using a pan you dont care about. As GMAN an I learned cooked on jello takes al ong time to come off a pan The best mix we came up with was a loose jello that both stuck to the timber and smelled REAL good. The gallon jug we made cost us about $.50. You tell me how much did a gallon of your favorite bait cost? We found at the sites we used our blend the bears ate chunks of the logs. Even I dont like food that much. well depends
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