More bear tags in 2010.

  • les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    DNR is recommending a bear harvest quota of 5,235 and 8,910 permits overall for 2010 season, up 22 percent from last year (permits) and 91 percent higher than ’08.

    Permits by zone: A: 3,470; B: 1,440; C: 2,430; D: 1,570. Biggest increase in permits at 34 percent is Zone A; Zone D is second at 28 percent. Zones B and C are up 11 and 10 percent, respectively.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Les is this WI Data?

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    Yup , MN keeps taking tags away

    Posts: 395

    Hopefully this will cut down the waiting period between tags. My last one was 2004. I took a point this year but will apply for a kill tag in 2011. 7 years is too long to wait to kill a bear. Last time it took 6 years for a tag and 20 minutes to fill it!

    Posts: 1007


    Les is this WI Data?

    Yes, it is. We’ll know in less than a month, who is hunting. I know I’ll have 2 days to hunt before, I leave for elk.

    Posts: 44

    Crappy on how long we gotta wait. I have Bear problems on my land. We have a ton. I see a few almost every night on stand. Pictures mof over 4 at a time mature bears not young. figure at least 12 different bears on 160. between my dad and I 1 night seen 9 different bears. different areas spread out and differnt sizes and markings.

    Posts: 6443

    Welcome to iDo CedarCreek

    Sorry to hear about your bear issues

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22320

    Welcome to IDO CedarCreek

    2 days Les ?? Bummer… Better have some good bait that or see if you can hunt Cedars 160

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Big G you still going to let me smack that fire pit raider.

    Posts: 1007

    I might not even have the first two days, actually hoping I don’t, that would mean I drew a sweet elk tag. I can hunt when I come back, so not to worried about it.

    I drew with 6 points. Boo-Boo is in trouble.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22320


    Big G you still going to let me smack that fire pit raider.


    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    The bear tags are issued with what is arguably the most sound game management in WI!! There is a law on the books that says they cannot issue tags for more than 18% of the population. They do twist it a bit using the harvest able population, and using historic success rates to determine the amount of tags.

    Either way most of the time the result is a growing population. Since bear are slow reproducers it takes years to recoup a population once it has been reduced. Normally they don’t breed till 3 yrs old. Then the cub/s stays with mom for around 18 months. This causes it to take a long time for the population to grow.

    Be thankful for our lack of tags. If we had more, we would soon be like MI. Where it is getting hard to find a bear. No problem in getting a tag though. With an estimated population of 11,000 they are looking at issuing close to 12,500 tags. Isn’t that nice!! No size limit either. So many cubs are shot every year. As so long as momma is not with them they are fair game!!

    As always we need to be careful what we wish for!!!!

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    WI is not very good on their draw, my brother Jared did not get a tag with 10 points and my other brother Josh did not with 8 but some people drew with 5 or 6 in the same unit so how dose that work? 10 years for a tag what a joke.

    Posts: 1007


    The bear tags are issued with what is arguably the most sound game management in WI!! There is a law on the books that says they cannot issue tags for more than 18% of the population. They do twist it a bit using the harvest able population, and using historic success rates to determine the amount of tags.

    Either way most of the time the result is a growing population. Since bear are slow reproducers it takes years to recoup a population once it has been reduced. Normally they don’t breed till 3 yrs old. Then the cub/s stays with mom for around 18 months. This causes it to take a long time for the population to grow.

    Be thankful for our lack of tags. If we had more, we would soon be like MI. Where it is getting hard to find a bear. No problem in getting a tag though. With an estimated population of 11,000 they are looking at issuing close to 12,500 tags. Isn’t that nice!! No size limit either. So many cubs are shot every year. As so long as momma is not with them they are fair game!!

    As always we need to be careful what we wish for!!!!


    Posts: 1007


    WI is not very good on their draw, my brother Jared did not get a tag with 10 points and my other brother Josh did not with 8 but some people drew with 5 or 6 in the same unit so how dose that work? 10 years for a tag what a joke.

    When you say same unit, I am assuming you mean same bear zone. What zones did they apply for? Did they do the application on line? Did they do it as a group application? Did they call the WDNR and ask for an explanation? This isn’t a “reach in the hat, and draw a name” system. It is all computer driven, based on the information that the applicant fills out, and it is looked at with those who have the most points first, and so on down the line. I would suspect the way that their applications were filled out, before I would the system.

    Posts: 2389


    WI is not very good on their draw, my brother Jared did not get a tag with 10 points and my other brother Josh did not with 8 but some people drew with 5 or 6 in the same unit so how dose that work? 10 years for a tag what a joke.

    WI has some of the best black bear hunting around. Very large bears and excellent chances for success. I think they actually do quite a good job with the bear hunt, although some disagree with the DNR regarding the deer herd, etc…

    One of Three things.

    1) Your brothers didn’t fill out the applications correctly or submit them on time. Maybe they applied as a group, which would be counted as the lower # of preference points(8 points) and might not have been drawn in two of the zones. Did they actually apply for a TAG vs a POINT? Big difference obviously…

    2) They don’t actually have 8/10 points, but some lesser number.

    3) The DNR made a mistake and they need to call them to find out what happened.

    What zone did they apply for? If they had 8/10 points and did everything right, The 10 points should have been drawn in any of the 4 zones. The 8 points should have been drawn in at least two of the zones. You said some other people in the same zone drew with 5 or 6, which to me indicates that they applied for zone C. If this is the case, then they either screwed up or got screwed by some glitch. No offense, but if the situation is actually as you describe it, I would bet they made an error. If not, I would call the DNR ASAP. I’d be interested to know where the error lies and how this gets resolved! Good luck to them getting it figured out…

    Minimum to draw was:
    A 7 points
    B 9 points
    C 4 points
    D 8 points

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    It was seven points going on eight my bad. The zone was D.

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    The reason I thought it was 10 is that is how many years he has been waiting but forgot to apply a couple of years.

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    It does seem that people do get a bit confused on the tag issue. Some folks I think say they drew with a lower number to get people riled up! Since the DNR posts the info. It can quickly be dispelled.

    A lot of folks also don’t understand the group thing. Like was posted. They go be the lower number in the group. Some folks misunderstand it and apply as a group in hopes that someone with lower points will get a tag. Thus the person with say 12 points does not draw due to the group member with 4.

    Again I have to say the WDNR is doing this right. I know that is a hard pill to swallow. Yet if you follow what is going on with our population, and the populations, tags issued, harvest rates in other states. It becomes quite clear. It’s not a hard choice in my opinion when given these 2 options. A longer wait for a tag with plenty of bear to hunt. Or, ease of getting a tag with few bear to hunt.

    Looking at MI again. Same complaints there abut not getting a tag or waiting for one. Yet now they are issuing more tags then they have bear. With say 100,000 aplicants and 12000 tags. Somebody is going to have to wait. With only 11000 bear to hunt. Going to be a lot less bears harvested in years to come. Heck they have a 17% success rate as compared to 66% in WI.

    Personally I’ll be waiting forever. I get to hunt without a kill tag. I really could care less about killing a bear. The thrill is in the chase!! My last tag got donated. My next tag will most likely get donated. So long as my dogs can hunt 90 days a year I am happy. THE FUN IS OVER ONCE YOU PULL THE TRIGGER!!

    Posts: 2389



    I understand the sentiment and I certainly missed baiting and the hunt after the kill… BUT… I’m still enjoying last years hunt/harvest every time that I think about it / relive the memories / look at the photos ….

    I did get lucky, though and was 1 out of about 200 lucky people to get drawn with 4 years of points. ….Zone C obviously….

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