question on a bear hunt

  • jeff korsmo
    Cresco, Ia
    Posts: 99

    I think I have the wife finally talked into a bear hunt, but I don’t know where to begin to look to go. I live in NE IA and I would like to hunt with a rifle. Just curious if anyone knows of a good guide service in either MN or WI. Is it tuff to go on your own if you know no-one in the area? Lots of questions here just looking for a place to begin. Thought I’d ask here first. this place is great.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I believe JonnyP does guiding in MN. You could check him out Let me tell you, it’s a rush hunting something that can maul you…

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Tom Gursky also guides in The U.P. of Michigan, look in the bear forums for his name.

    EC, Wisconsin
    Posts: 131

    I wish I could take you. If I had the time I’d bait for you. I got my first bear last year in NE WI and it was a rush . But I did a lot of driving to bait and had 3 brothers helping keep the piles stocked. It’s not likely a do it yourself type of hunt unless you can take 3 solid weeks off. I found that 2 weeks of baiting was all it takes. We got nearly a dozen coming in during that period. Good luck- you’ll love it.

    Posts: 2389

    Unless you have been previously applying, WI will take 4-5 years minimum to get a tag, some zones up to 8-9 years. MN has over the counter tags available in some areas, but other areas are a draw system. Much easier to get a tag in MN, though, overall. I would think that would be your closest bet. LOTS of bears in MN, too. Otherwise, Ontario, Manitoba, etc…

    Good luck!

    Posts: 2389


    But I did a lot of driving to bait and had 3 brothers helping keep the piles stocked. It’s not likely a do it yourself type of hunt unless you can take 3 solid weeks off.

    Every hunt is different, and I agree that MOST times its time, labor and bait intensive. That being said, I did a hunt myself this year in WI. I baited close to home which helped a lot, but compared to other hunts, mine was very minimal with regards to time, effort and bait. I only baited one stand, although I knew it was a good location/lots of bears. I started baiting Sept 2 and shot my bear on my second sit, Sept 13. I took zero vacation days, although I generally work 4 to 4-5 days per week, which helped a little having that extra day off. I baited weekends and some evenings after work. I probably used a total of less than 20 gallons of bait during the whole process. Again, thats maybe not typical, but it CAN be done. Worth a shot, at least, if your schedule won’t allow for 3 weeks in a row off. I myself am contemplating a MN hunt in a year or two. My buddies and I want to take about a week total off of work, Head up about 3 days prior to the season opening, set stands and a bait, fish a little while we wait for the season to open, then hunt 3 or so days. Worth a shot, a MN bear tag is relatively cheap…

    I have talked to some hunters who feel that sometimes that first week or so of baiting is a really good time to shoot one. While most guys bait for weeks/months in advance, it certainly would be worth a shot to start baiting and hunt at the same time, if your free time is limited. I know my camera had LOTS of trailcam pics those first 5 days of baiting…

    I’m not an expert, but I was lucky enough to get one on the ground this year with VERY minimal effort compared to other hunters. I know its maybe not typical, but it can be done.

    Good luck!


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