The trail cam pic with the color phase bear is “Skunkbearpig”. A smaller boar about 175 or so with a strong cinnamon color and a long shag blonde streak down its back. Our bear are so cool they get highlights on their mullet.
The other one is known as “Big V” due to the white V on his chest. That is a brute of a boar that jumps between three baits in a three mile triangle and he is a smart one. Twice hunters where caught of guard by the old boy, once bad enough the hunter needed a talk to get out of the tree.
We had a great shot of him squaring off with a chocolate bear over the last of the chow I lost in my cam viewer along with a HUGE cinnamon laying in the trail behind the bait with his head over one set of truck tracks and the his rump plopped in the other set, he is called “Roadblock”
Skunkbearpig eh? Must be a close relative of Manbearpig, I want him! Just bought an old fridge with attached sticker on the freezer door reading “Mullets Rock!!!” Must be a sign or something….
Seriously though, great pics Jonny. I’m really looking forward to hunting up there with you this year. This is a totally new experience for me, and I’m looking forward to learning what I can from your many seasons of bear-guiding!
Welcome to the hunting side of things!