Large Bear

  • Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Just got this in an email today. Here is what the email is saying,

    My dad hit this bear in with the combine last Wednesday night about 20 miles north of Menomonie. Hanging weight (no insides) of this bear was 618 pounds. Rough measurements from head to tail (no legs) 7 feet and around the heart girth he was 6 ft around.

    Arica Schlough
    Augusta Agriculture Instructor /
    FFA Advisor

    I just got the story on this giant black bear. In Dunn County north of Menomonie a farmer was combining corn and ran over this bear in a den. The den was a hole in the ground covered with corn stalks and the combine drove right over the den killing the bear. This story was confirmed by Steve Olson today, Steve works for St. Croix County Land and Water Conservation Department and lives about 2-miles from the farm where the bear was killed. Steve had a large bear on trail camera a couple of years ago, this may or may not have been the bear. This was about 25-miles east of Baldwin.

    That is all i have on it so far, if i find out anything else I will add it here.

    Nice bear

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    That’s a HUGE bear! And I apologize for being suspect but these kind of e-mails are usually bogus anymore. I wonder if that is a real photo? I can’t tell what the bear is hanging by? I hope this can be confirmed as a local bear, that’d be cool as heck!

    Posts: 28

    Its very possible. I live in pierce county and a neighbor just down the road shot a 614 pounder this year not 5 miles from the house. Something does look funny with that pic and isn’t it kind of cold for the bears to be out wandering?

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    That anin’t no Boo Boo . Looks like a black spray painted grizzly

    Posts: 28


    That anin’t no Boo Boo . Looks like a black spray painted grizzly

    Now it does look like its stuffed lol

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    whats grandma reaching for?????

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    This bear resided by Connorsville, Wisconsin. A co-worker of mine that lives/hunts bear up that way said that this bear has been around for quite a few years. He said the bear was 720 lbs, or there abouts. Alot of the locals knew about this bear and many bear hunters have spotted this bear while training dogs, but seeing how this is a bait only area, nobody could get a shot at him as they feel he was a nocturnal bear. Too bad it got taken out by a combine while it was sleeping.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    It appears real, and here is why…
    Look at the barrel on the side that says “Inedible” usually found in butcher shops for rendering fat. It looks like it has a winch cable around the neck as most butcher shops like to do it that way…and it looks like the paws are reaching out just lke it was frozen.
    I give it the “Real” stamp…but I have been wrong before.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I saw that a few days ago. A buddy at work show me the pics. I think he knows the family. This is the real deal.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Something is not right here…We have had zero to double digit mornings for over a month now with snow on the ground. Now I know you guys are farther south but that Bear should have been hibernating long ago…as our bears have. Also that Bear is way over 618… I have looked at a few bears in the 600 lb range up close. This is an 800lb bear on the hoof.
    You cannot see an 800lb bear in front of a combine? I think you would from WAY off. Did the WDNR confiscate the bear?

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Guys- What he did not clearly spell out, just said den in his story. This bear was hibernating in the corn field when the combine ran over the den.

    I got this story a few times already and am a little suspect of it. The only reasons are: 1 – I know of the same thing happening last year somewhere in that area. Also a big bear. 2- The time frame of the story. I got it in emails that said it was killed last week. In the story as written on the channel 18 website it was a month ago.

    That aside I have no reason to not believe it. Below is a link to the channel 18 story as it appeared.

    If someone, or I get a chance to dig up last years story we could compare them.


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 18

    There was an article in todays(12/11) Eau Claire Leader Telegram about this bear. It says the bear “had excavated a depression about 1.5 ft deep where it apparently had planned to spend the winter.” A standing corn field would provide a fair amount of cover I suppose. The DNR sold the bear to the Schlough’s for $75.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    Hey, at least they got “their” money!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Ahhh….Now it makes sense. Thanks Steve. What a Bear!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338


    whats grandma reaching for?????

    Looks like she got her hand caught in the “Cookie Jar”!!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Huge bear! They do get that big in WI because Lip and I saw one this fall on a pole that weighed 618 lbs (not dressed).

    You would have thought they could have taken a better picture of it…

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    In Sommerset by chance?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101


    In Sommerset by chance?

    Nope – Arkansaw, WI

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2274

    It does look a little goofy, but any critter that is that much bigger than anything were used to seeing would look wierd. If that is real, I would love to see it in person.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318



    In Sommerset by chance?

    Nope – Arkansaw, WI

    I thought maybe you were refering to one of the gals at the Loch Ness.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101




    In Sommerset by chance?

    Nope – Arkansaw, WI

    I thought maybe you were refering to one of the gals at the Loch Ness.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    I know that opening weekend, in our area, a lot of hunters did not see any deer, but instead were still seeing bear. It seems unusual, but with as many people seeing them or tracks, they are just getting sleepy now for some reason unknown to me.

    As for the bear being real or not, I don’t know, but it is a huge thang!!!


    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    I was reading the Wisconsin Outdoor News and couldn’t find anything on their website, but was able to find this:

    Big Bear Shot

    Its too bad, glad they caught ’em!!!


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