What do you think?

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I have never hunted Bear but I was thinking I might try next year. I knew we had them on our property but have never seen one.

    I am pretty excited about this. Looks like a good one.

    Think it is worth a shot next year?

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Klink- If you are really interested in shooting a bear, shoot me a PM. I am not a hunter but we have tons of bears around our cabin north of Grand Rapids. I am sure my dad would let you kill one.


    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Klink- If you are really interested in shooting a bear, shoot me a PM. I am not a hunter but we have tons of bears around our cabin north of Grand Rapids. I am sure my dad would let you kill one.


    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Bear have a pretty good size range this time of year in search of the much needed calories to get them through the winter. So banking on that bear to stick around till next Sept. might be pushing it. Not to say you cant draw other bears in and be successful. Bow hunting bears is addicting, beware!!! I have 2 on the board and look forward to it every year. Good luck, Its a lot of work and more difficult then youd think. Good huntin’

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Bear have a pretty good size range this time of year in search of the much needed calories to get them through the winter. So banking on that bear to stick around till next Sept. might be pushing it. Not to say you cant draw other bears in and be successful. Bow hunting bears is addicting, beware!!! I have 2 on the board and look forward to it every year. Good luck, Its a lot of work and more difficult then youd think. Good huntin’

    Posts: 36

    yeah go for it

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290


    Klink- If you are really interested in shooting a bear, shoot me a PM. I am not a hunter but we have tons of bears around our cabin north of Grand Rapids. I am sure my dad would let you kill one.


    Where is your cabin at, we have one by pennington

    I wouldnt do it, i did it for the first time with my bow and shot one, its addicting, the addrenline rush is intense

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