
    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    was fishing by trailer house point and watched this guy beach the paddle boat! 15 minutes later he got it loose, good thing for 4 ft rollers to assist we were shocked when he went between a fishing boat and shore

    1. Boat-06302019.jpg

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    Ouch, not sure how you don’t see that bar

    Lil Guppy
    Lake City, Mn
    Posts: 152

    Ouch, not sure how you don’t see that bar

    He’s done that before. He thinks he owns the lake. I’ve seen him make people pull their anchors to move out if his way or he would’ve ran them over. He will cut between anyone fishing. He could easily swing out 100 yards but he never will. Just be ready for his antics next time your out.

    Posts: 1040

    Nice shot, SCRATCHA!

    And agree with guppy. He cruised by way too close to a group of us the other day.

    Posts: 959

    Lots of tupidsay on da water! Thanks scratcher cause after going to watch the fireworks at Lake City tonight & seeing that boat, my wife asked me to book a sunset cruise this Saturday on it. Best just take her to see the sunset from the Alumacraft.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The owner/captain of the Sea Watcher(?) was banned from Red Wing several years ago because of all the complaints.

    He has a reputation larger then his ego.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Call dnr enforcement or the sheriff’s office. Better yet, get some actual video of his antics to go along with the call.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Add Coast Guard to that list Tom.

    This needs to stop before someone gets hurt…and if you’ve met him you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

    Please remember to not take enforcement into your own hands. That’s what we pay the leo’s to do.

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