Anyone have a recent ice report for the Bayport area? Walk outs this weekend possible?

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Anyone have a recent ice report for the Bayport area? Walk outs this weekend possible?
Good question. last Sunday I measured 6″ coming out of the Ws side Bayport, easy pulling except for scattered slush. Many others out there, mostly out of Mn side. I was going Sat but think the weather this week probably messed it up so I am taking the boat to the Mississippi. Going to give it at least a day to heal.
Now that I see the coming cold temps forecasted, I’m sure the ice will be good… not sure I’ll be willing to give it a go
Anyone taking wheelers out there yet?
I’m curious too. What’s the word out there? Thanks in advance
Some wheelers are out. I parked the truck on the ice last night out of ferry landing. Walked out a decent ways and set up on about 8 inches of ice. Another fellow had an ice castle and truck out, but very close to shore.
10 to 11″ Some cars driving out, trucks parking near shore. Fishing was slow.
8 to 10 iches barometer going down notta, except two sauger 4 guys. 3 days ago 3 guys different story. Steady barometer equal sauger and walleye.
any ice updates?? Looking to go out this weekend and wondering if vehicles are driving out yet. Ice was not good on the small lake near my house – about 8″ of ice, covered with water and slush, covered with thin ice, covered with snow. No way I’d drive on that. I did see some vehicle out on Bass Lake (St. Croix Co) last weekend.
Don’t plan on driving out. Wheelers may be tough and a snowmobile is probably the preferred mode of transportation.
I was out of Ferrys Landing on the Wisconsin side last Saturday. There were people parking near the shoreline but lots of slush out there. Where I was fishing there was about 7 inches of clear ice and 3 of cloudy ice. I walked out a ways and it was tough going with all the snow and slush. Its not looking good for vehicle traffic anytime soon.
My buddy had his side by side out from Ferry Landing last weekend. There was some slush, but he was able to move around ok.
thanks for all the responses… doesn’t sound like we’re going to have decent ice anywhere in this area this year! Now I wish I had a snowmobile… next thing on my wish-list.
Any ice updates? Drove by the access in North Hudson last week and it looked wet right near shore… Still walking out?
ICE UPDATE: I went out last night for a bit. I measured 13″+ everywhere I checked. Drove out in my pickup without issue.
Fishing was pretty slow. Lot of lookers and non willing to eat except a few decent crappie.
ICE UPDATE: I went out last night for a bit. I measured 13″+ everywhere I checked. Drove out in my pickup without issue.
Fishing was pretty slow. Lot of lookers and non willing to eat except a few decent crappie.
May be 13″ but what about the quality of the ice? Did this cold snap firm it up? I’m too old and out of shape to walk all the way from the North Hudson launch…
The top 3″ of ice was packed down snow/slush from the warmer days that hardened up. Travel in the truck was pretty easy in 2×4 with no deep pockets of snow anywhere. Fished the WI side off the beaten path with ease.
It was a pretty tough year for me out on the Croix this winter. Did manage a few nice eyes but nothing like how the fishing was for me last year. Last year I would have days of 20 plus eyes on the ice and this year lucky if I could get 3 or 4.
It was a pretty tough year for me out on the Croix this winter. Did manage a few nice eyes but nothing like how the fishing was for me last year. Last year I would have days of 20 plus eyes on the ice and this year lucky if I could get 3 or 4.
Hey that’s still pretty great for being close to the metro!
This winter was the worst for ice fishing for me too in general.
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