Bayfield area ice conditions?

  • ______________
    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I’m hoping to make it up to Chequamegon to play around on the ice. Does anyone have any ice reports up that way? I’d like to fish north of Bayfield up in the Apostle Islands a bit. I’m not finding any ice reports north of Houghton pt.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743


    I think that is because the ice up there north of Houghton Point hasn’t really been very good at all this year… That is not to say that might not find decent ice, but its been so iffy that anything north of Bono hasn’t even had much of any kind of vehicle traffic at all this year.


    Delta, WI
    Posts: 420

    Here is what I know. Quite a bit of new ice formed out into the Apostle Islands. They are fishing along the west shoreline of Basswood Island and towards the south end but…..the Ferry is still running between Bayfield and Madeline Island and also commercial fishermen are keeping the south channel open. There is fishable ice from Houghton to mouth of the Onion but ice thickness varies…..Keep safety in mind.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Thanks for the help here. Sounds like I minimally need a buddy? Anyone want to try and hoof it out this Saturday? I’ll bring a long (soft) rope and spare floaty thingy… jester I’m open to fish near shore, or try deep. I’ve got a set of AK salmon bear traps I really would like to string out this season.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    The satellite image from today looks promising for safe ice along Basswood.

    Here’s images from today and Feb 1st.

    1. 20170210_150817.png

    2. 20170210_150526.png

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Here’s those mousetrap style fish traps.

    1. 1486761899213-1640393718.jpg

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