I switched to all Milwaukee for small power equipment over the past summer. Trimmer and blower.
I love it. No stink, minimum noise such that I don’t have to have hearing protection on all the time. No engine maintenance, no winterizing, no spring starting issues. Total win.
I mow way more than most because my kids and I volunteer with the KoC to do elderly folks lawns and we do the church lawn as well. Even at this high level of use, I’ve had nothing but praise for the electric equipment. The key is to size equipment and batteries correctly.
That’s my long term plan as well, although it will be tough to sell all my DeWalt stuff from over the years and also get rid of my Toro Super Recyler mower and Echo56v yard tools when they all continue to work so well…
but having 1 manufacturer family of tools & equipment running off the same batteries is the goal…