Battery Powered Lawn Mower Ego vs Greenworks

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19842

    I switched to all Milwaukee for small power equipment over the past summer. Trimmer and blower.

    I love it. No stink, minimum noise such that I don’t have to have hearing protection on all the time. No engine maintenance, no winterizing, no spring starting issues. Total win.

    I mow way more than most because my kids and I volunteer with the KoC to do elderly folks lawns and we do the church lawn as well. Even at this high level of use, I’ve had nothing but praise for the electric equipment. The key is to size equipment and batteries correctly.

    That’s my long term plan as well, although it will be tough to sell all my DeWalt stuff from over the years and also get rid of my Toro Super Recyler mower and Echo56v yard tools when they all continue to work so well…

    but having 1 manufacturer family of tools & equipment running off the same batteries is the goal…

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Although this doesn’t apply to me for now, Grouse and many others are spot on. The time saved on engine maintenance will be a godsend if the technology ever gets that far for us people in the country.

    The day there’s a battery powered mower that can mow a few acres and a couple miles of fencelines at a time at the same clip as a diesel zero turn and sub compact tractor…we will be all over it. If I had a lawn in town I’d be all over either the Milwaukee push mower or the Ego one. They are the only 2 I’ve seen in action but seemed impressive.

    The cost of battery replacement would kill that idea in a hurry.

    At current levels of development – absolutely.

    I’d wager a substantial sum of money that today’s batteries will be nothing compared to those 10-15 years from now. Whether or not it will be enough to switch for large scale operations is still an unknown. Regardless of what people choose or will choose as the tech grows, having options is a net positive for all consumers.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Although this doesn’t apply to me for now, Grouse and many others are spot on. The time saved on engine maintenance will be a godsend if the technology ever gets that far for us people in the country.

    The day there’s a battery powered mower that can mow a few acres and a couple miles of fencelines at a time at the same clip as a diesel zero turn and sub compact tractor…we will be all over it. If I had a lawn in town I’d be all over either the Milwaukee push mower or the Ego one. They are the only 2 I’ve seen in action but seemed impressive.

    The cost of battery replacement would kill that idea in a hurry.

    I easily burn enough $4.50+ a gallon non-ox gasoline every year in our remaining walk behind mowers, trimmer, and blower that I’m sure I could buy a 5 amp hour battery every 2 years and still be money ahead compared to fuel and maintenance costs.

    Of course the guy with the small yard isn’t going to come out ahead just on fuel savings. But then look at what it would cost to take a lawn mower to a mechanic for a plugged up carb.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Yeah not looking for eco friendly just ease of use and I can hang the damn thing on the wall when not in use or over the winter. It’s not like I’m trading my Ram for a Ridgeline or something.

    rotflol jester great point, let’s not go overboard here. Also, wanted to bump this up to make sure it didn’t get missed by the appropriate parties. rotflol

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    The cost of battery replacement would kill that idea in a hurry.

    I easily burn enough $4.50+ a gallon non-ox gasoline every year in our remaining walk behind mowers, trimmer, and blower that I’m sure I could buy a 5 amp hour battery every 2 years and still be money ahead compared to fuel and maintenance costs.

    Of course the guy with the small yard isn’t going to come out ahead just on fuel savings. But then look at what it would cost to take a lawn mower to a mechanic for a plugged up carb.

    Yup. And that’s why we were talking about it for replacing big diesel mowers. Big batteries not 5amp. As for plugged up carbs. I always feel for the poor fellers that didn’t take small engines. 30 minutes of tinkering can save 100s.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    It sounds like you will be purchasing a separate 4ah battery. If you were going to buy an ego battery you may want to look into buying another piece of Ego product with battery. I have the 670cfm leaf blower (which is awesome for blowing leaves and snow) which sells for $269 with a 4ah battery and a separate 4ah battery sells for $249 at Ace.

    Sorry I missed this. No they have several different options or packages with different size batteries and such, I found one that comes with the rapid charger and two batteries with the mower. It was $599.00, so an extra hundo for the 4 amp hour battery.

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