Admittedly, white is likely the “best” spinnerbait color around… 
With that said, I have experiemented and found yellow, chartruese, black, brown, red, purple/blue to be more effective depending on light, water, and water temperature… 2 summer’s ago, fishing Pool 9, I couldn’t catch a fish on ANYTHING… I saw a pan fisherman doing well on chartruese and black beetlespin… So, I tied on a 1/4 oz black spinner with a hammered silver colorado blade and slipped a chartruese Mr Twister tail on it… Amazing… caught fish the rest of the day slow rolling and flipping to cover with it. Strange how some small inputs can make a difference. 
Last summer, I saw a gentlemen pull the skirt off his spinner and took the blade off… he then slipped a tube through where the blade was through the bottom. slipped it around and pulled the hook through. Then, reattached the blade. A tube/spinner bait… not sure how he did with that specifically, but it was an interesting idea.