Christian’s Day 2 Weight DQd… Why?

  • onthewater
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    I read an article on yesterday afternoon, stating that Tony’s second day weight was DQd. Doesn’t seem to be any answers out threre. Anyone in a bit more of the “know?”

    Tony said, “…didn’t know what part of it [rule #7] was involved nor who protested him…”

    In regards to the protestor, one name comes to mind, but I’ll not speculate.

    So, just wondering if anyone knows anything about this.



    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Well, as you all know, I’m not one to sit on my hands; I called Tony and left him a message of support.

    I looked around and didn’t find anything. Just talk. Nothing solid.



    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Poor guy, Thats a bummer

    Oregon, WI
    Posts: 152

    Do the initials KK seem to fit!!

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    See, now, my wife said that people really aren’t reading my mind, but I knew they were!

    Ok… I called a friend of mine who works behind the scenes in the industry, and I found out what happened. I was also asked not to tell anyone anything; so I’ll need to respect that.

    Yes, I know I started this thread, but I was asked to wait ’til the story is put on

    Well, for what it was worth, that’s what I got.



    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Hello, all,

    Last night Tony Christian returned my call, and we talked for about an hour.

    The reason he’s been DQd twice is because he was out of view of his partners -the rumors regarding a fish trap, a barrel or a five gallon bucket of fish are simply just that: rumors (oh, here’s a little ditty… The next time you or I send our nonboater to go for the bags while we’re sitting in the boat, we may want to remember that we must stay in sight of him. If we don’t, technically, we can be DQd as well).

    Now, what I didn’t know, was that on his competition days, he’s followed by as many as three boats. Two for video and one for still photographs. If he had cheated, he’d have to be truly a “magician.”

    I firmly believe that he did not cheat; what’s more, I firmly believe that he’s telling the truth.

    When I spoke with Tony, he spoke to me like a man who’s been emotionally broken… through the wringer… a guy who’s been beaten -you ever hear a guy talk when he comes back to church or back to an AA meeting? Well, that’s what he sounded like to me. I cannot express that enough.

    I know you’re all aware that he has his own roofing company; did you know he has his own construction company as well? The point? The point is that he doesn’t need the $ he’s earned from fishing.

    Why does he fish? For the enjoyment.

    From speaking with Tony last night, I got a better picture of what goes on at the pro level. Some of which is neat; some of which is not and would cause many of us great disillusionment.

    He shared with me the letter he received yesterday’s mail from the FLW which essentially said, it would better for him and the FLW if he were to no longer fish the FLW. In that letter was also his refund for the rest of this year’s tournaments.

    So, there we have it.


    Jeff Lira, West Bend, WI


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Hey OTW,

    Did the FLW also send him a letter telling him when they would be over to kick his dog!!!!???

    I have no idea of any details on this eccept what i have read online. This makes my blood boil! I dont know him, but I know what im feeling for him right now. What a bunch of BS and a kick in the jewels! I am at a loss for words.


    Posts: 19

    I don’t mean to stir the pot, but with a rising star such as christian, why would FLW ask him not to fish anymore over something as small as leaving the side of your coangler for bathroom reasons. it doesn’t add up. With his track record, i would figure the FLW would want to have him aboard. Plus if christian was truely doing it for the competition of it he would want to continue fishing the circuit and wouldn’t have the stress of making a check. Something is fishy about the whole situation and i don’t think the general public knows about it.

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287


    The letter Tony received was based on two issues, one of which I had mistakenly quoted. 1.) Out of sight of nonboater, and 2.) When he was being filmed, he was asked what he thought about being DQd in FL. He responded with, “I think it’s a bunch of f#@! bull$&!+. He knew as soon as he said it that it was wrong (point two is where I had originally misquoted him).

    Does that mean he’s not able to fish the FLW for life? The FLW didn’t indicate that either way.

    You’re right. He never had the stress of making a check, but if you look at from his point of view of having fun & competing, why should he invest the time and energy into a circuit that thus far hasn’t done thing one to dispel all the rumors? Why should he take time from his family to invest in a fishing “family” who’ll not stand by him during controversy? Granted, he knows full well that he ought not’ve cussed.

    He doesn’t need it. He’ll fish locally. He also says he’ll not fish BASS either.

    I remember the day my dad sat me down, poured us each a glass of water and stuck his finger into his water and then pulled it out, asking me if I could see where his finger had been. I answered, “no.” He said, “that’s right” and drank his water. He then said,”that’s how significant you are to you job.” Harsh, but true (shortly thereafter my father went on to open his on business).

    What’s the point? The point is we can be replaced. Tony doesn’t need the FLW and the FLW doesn’t need Tony.


    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146

    Post deleted by BBBane

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146

    I finally ran out and read the Bassfan piece on this.
    I take back my previous post, if in fact Tony was
    watching the weigh-in, and not visiting the bathroom.
    And then that makes DQ #2 really the correct thing
    to have happen, if he used “unsportsman like langauge”.

    I guess the lesson for me is to get better info before
    I stick my foot in my mouth. Not like that would help
    all that much

    Big Bass Bane

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