I think everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on which soft plastic stickbait (not slickbait!) that they prefer. I think that the Senko salt content makes them fall a bit faster and have more wiggle action than the ones that contain less salt. I do like some of the knockoffs because they do sink slower and wish they had as many color options as GYCB.
All in all, these soft sticks are fish catching baits used in the right area and at the right time. Great for all seasons when the fish are feeding on minnows or worms but not as good as other presentations when fish are feeding on other creatures.
Lets all accept each others opinion on which brand of a respective lure that we like. Maybe we all can learn something from each other if we give our opinions as to why we like one brand over another instead of putting down another brand! As the saying goes, opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and they all stink!