Fishing with Class

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    I was directed to reading the following article by a well respected contributor to this website. Not sure they wish to be known, so I will leave them anonymous. The article is a good read and does place emphasis on good tournament angling practices, both as a boater and non-boater.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Good fishing!

    Posts: 97

    Excellant article Reel Guy. Have you ever ran across any articles on how eticate(spelling) for fishing team tournaments against other anglers? It seems I usually can get along with the other guy in the boat, it’s problems between other boats or competitors that I see most of the complaints. Fishnut

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    While I agree with many of the ideals listed in this article I must admit that many of these tactics will just annoy me on a Tournament Day. While I try hard to get my partner a limit or in team tournaments we work as a team to accomplish our goals, I find that the guy who is more interested in asking questions and chatting than fishing distracts my concentration. The 30 minute rule prior to a tournament is good for many anglers. I would suggest trying to square up on things the night prior. I like to mentally prepare with relaxing techniques which often require laughter and light hearted conversation. Trying to get a clear understanding of what the other guy is doing or other things in the morning is just to distracting for me to deal with. I can usually tell in a few minutes of fishing weather or not the mutterings from the other guy is worth listening to.
    I reread this and think that I am way to overbearing but everyone has there quarks, Don’t they? I often find that they guy who rambles the most has the most to hide. It’s the quiet guy who is appreciative that I will go out of my way significantly to help not only get a limit but to cash a check. There was one fellow by the name of Roy that I respect very much. He is a young 20 something and in a brief discussion said that he was only trying to learn and that he had only weighed in a handful of limits in his life let a lone ever cam close to cashing a check. From those comments came a day I don’t think he will soon forget. I proceeded to cut the baits off his rods, tie on some custom made tackle and place him in the front of my boat. I ran the trolling motor and end explained how he needed to work a specific weed edge. From there I netted his fish which placed him in 3rd for the tournament. To this day he is appreciative and has not let this go to his head. I look forward to the next time I get to spend a day on the water with him. If he would have started telling me how good he was and playing the part of a retarded parrot spewing info from the latest edition of Bass Master Mag the day would have been much different.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I hear you there fishnut…I’ve fished against guys who have “Bush-leagued” me a few times…I know everyone has equal rights to the water/same as me….but I think a certain degree of respect should be given if you come up on somebody fishing an area before you get there.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    LOL, retarded parrott.

    Maybe I will get one to walk on the consoles and windshields. Would make a nice decoration.

    “Sqwaaack, son, that’s a hawg, son, SQQWWWWWAAAACCCCCKKKKK

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I thought you might like that.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    “Sqwaaack, son, that’s a hawg, son, SQQWWWWWAAAACCCCCKKKKK

    Retarded parrot or not, that’s one thing you won’t hear coming from MossBoss’ boat.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590


    Its acts like what you did for that young man that can really bring bassfishing to a new level. Also it gives the impression that not all of us are jerks. I somehow think you felt as good about what you did as he did, thats great, and thats what its all about.


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    At least not when you’re in the boat. I don’t have enough Kick-N-Bass to cover the stench!!!! It just coats my lures and works like a fish deterrant!!!

    PS, if you went with, I wouldn’t need the parrot. No need to double up!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I’ll admit it, I don’t fish well out of a shiny, glitter covered flat bottom. Then again, put me in a Champion or Jc’s Triton(talk about fishing with class!!) and you can hear that parrot squawk from miles away!!!

    Something about a ranger that just jams my karma.

    p.s. You’re right, there is no need to double up! I don’t need to hear you and a retarded parrot squawkin’ about the fish I catch.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Hey now, I need the glittery overpriced flat bottom to reset my back at times. Cheaper and easier than repeated trips to the chiro!! Just have to position myself right when going over wakes and “crack” right back in place!

    If me and the parrott are only squaking about the fish you catch, it will make for a nice, peaceful, quiet day on the water for all!!!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    If me and the parrott are only squaking about the fish you catch, it will make for a nice, peaceful, quiet day on the water for all!!!

    Good one!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Ever wonder why fisherman are often referred to as a strange bunch? Hmmm… This posting has sure turned a corner…

    JC – Cool thing you did. Very cool.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Ouch, You guys are too funny.
    When the weekends done that Triton looks worse than most flat bottoms. I can count on another 10 bucks in quarters at the powerwasher. 2 guys with no regard for anything but putting fish in the boat can sure make a mess.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I find when the boat gets too messy I just toss excess gear (such as pliers!!) over the side!!!!

    Sorry for wrecking your post ReelG. Just in one of those mid-winter cabin fever moods today!!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Its sure is grat to look at that dirty pig of a boat after a long productive weekend, smile and say”ya done good girl, you hauled some fish”.

    Aurora IL
    Posts: 22

    Hey… my “Blue Fleck” Ranger 520 is pretty cool and it catches fish…

    Posts: 1

    thanks jeremy, I appreciate it.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Holy Smokes!!!!!
    they must let anyone read this. -grin-
    You are very much welcome and have an open invitation any time you choose. I guess I did not know you even read this stuff Roy. Hope all is well with you and yours.
    ps. You still using that spinnerbait? I have some more custom baits for you the next time we bump into each other.

    Manchester, Ia
    Posts: 121

    JC, I bet we get more words out of Roy on-line that we ever would in person.

    Roy, Nice to see your participation.

    Posts: 315

    that is a very good article i fished as a boater in 95 and 96 dad went as a non boater and he let me use the stratos working for mcdonalds i ran a boat just didnt have to make payments

    things came to an end and back to a non boater again i guess you can say im a professional non boater

    i only fish as of now my club tournoments and the federation 8 man

    when i was a kid i fished IN Bass along with my dad and my mother fished with her friend also fished bass champs with a guy from town and my mom a couple times

    even in my local club i seem to get along with every one but some people just dont mesh well in a boat its part of fishing tournoments rather its a style of fishing peoples actions topics of conversation there are just some people out there that just dont belong in a boat together but can get along any where else

    best thing is keep an open mind and no matter how wrong people rubb each other just fish like you normaly would and get threw it no need to go out of your way to hope a guy behind or infront of you dont catch fish just fish it seems better this way just to keep good terms dont want enemies in this world and friends are hard to come by i guess

    there are proabally a few boaters in my club who dont like fishing with me i know there are a couple boaters that in a boat we just dont have the karma but generally we get along any way or do the best we can

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