Root River Smallies

  • JimW
    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Hey all, I have fished quite a few years and walked many miles of the Root River for smallmouth! Just curious if anyone else out there has done the same. If not, your missing out on a real treat. Since the Root is a river and the smallmouth fishing can be phenomenal, I figured I post to see what kind of real(jk) smallmouth fisherman were out there! You know, walking through the itchweed and nettles taller than you, falling down in the stream, getting chased by deer flies, cows etc etc etc.! Jim W

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    If they’re built like those Croix smallies it’d be worth it! However, I’m kindof a pup and would rather go from a boat. LOL! Just kidding! Sounds cool but I’ve never known an area that’d make me work that hard.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Well, it isn’t always like that, but it is definitely a lot more work than kickin’ in a boat with a cooler! I usually have a bottle of water and my gear and I’m good to go. Yes, there are some that are built like the Croix smallies! I have caught several in the 5 lb range and numerous 2-4 lbers.!! Lot’s of fun and less room to play a battling fool like the bronzeback!!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Outa curiosity, were is the Root anyway?

    Posts: 152

    southeast minn. south of rochester

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 4

    I grew up along the Root River so I have spent many, many hours walking the river and catching smallmouths. I still go to the Root several times a year to fish those smallies. Can’t think of better way to spend a day. I agree that this is a real treat. You can’t beat the scenery or the fishing. See ya on the Root. Buckiii

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    Jim, I have fished the Root for 43 years, I’m 48 now. I have fished from west of fillmore all the way to Peterson. I never really thought about all the bs I had gone through until I read your post. It’s a fantastic river to fish. I”ve caught some nice walleyes from it also. I should’nt have said that! There are some very nice smallies in it, and there has been for many years. My best bass was “about” 25″. Late in the fall two years ago. Thank God I could’nt keep it cause it would have looked great in my office. Have fun on the Root. JLK

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Was that mega-smally caught during the catch and release(i’m assuming). Sounds like you have a lot of experience on the main Branch of the root as well. I would say my expertise lies on the North Branch of the Root, but I have fished the middle near Fillmore and the main down stream near Peterson and whalan as well. One time I was wading for smallies when a couple of GAR swam within feet of me. The root has just about everything in it, from Cats to Sauger, mooneye, smallmouth and trout!! I need to get on it soon, but with this heavy rain, it will most likely be put on hold!

    Edited by Jim W on 06/13/01 03:01 PM.

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    I caught that bass on Nov. 16 or 17. It was during the doe season because I remember wearing my orange hood. It started out, 11:00-11:30 around 60 degrees or so. I had no live bait so I used a small jig and a small piece of rubber worm. I absolutely caught bass after bass. I believe most where nice females. The water was crystal and I could see them come out of the deeper water and chase my offering. When I got that big gal I could’nt believe it. At first I thought I was snagged but could feel that “thumping”. I heald her for a long time and I think just smiled. She was so big and fat and had a strange color, very light golden. I actually think it may have been larger than 25″! But I guess I can. It’s the largest bass-smallie I think I’ve ever seen. The Root will have any species that’s in the miss. as most any of the rivers that dump into the mississippi will. Do you try to fish the Root often-northbranch? I see you also fish the southbranch for trout. The river in Preston was still clear today and northbranch on 250 also STILL looked very nice. Good luck. JLK

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Up until this year(new son) I was fishing an average of 3-5 days a week on the North Branch of the root! I am completely “jonesing” to get on her again(no pun intended). However with this recent rain, things look grim! I have spent a lot of time in most of SE MN on various streams for trout as well. KNow the South Branch very well. DId you get a picture of that big gal?

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    A 25″ smallmouth would weigh over 9lbs! That’s over the Wisconsin State record? Surely the DNR would give exception to that? Sure it was 25″? I don’t mean to question it but the only 25″ largemouth in Minnesota was eaten and the state record I believe was only 24″ and is 8&3/4lbs. They estimated the 25″ one at 10lbs. (did I open a can of worms?) Want more questioning? Look at Ken Goins smallie he just caught. Beautiful fish and weight on that one should be close to 5lbs (20&1/2inches). I caught one on MTKA 2 weeks ago that was exactly 20&1/4 inches and was 4/14lbs. Female spawned out.

    I guess my point is that if I caught a bass that huge I certainly would have done more than just quietly return it to the water. I’m sure the DNR would have an interest into why that fish was so big and how it lived so long. Yes. I know it lived so long because it was returned to the water but but genetically (sp) how did it live so long? I’m sure now I will get remarks. Let em’ fly!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Okay, let me go first!!! LOL! I think in terms of regulations and our duties to follow the laws placed before us, a closed season is a closed season is a closed season, if I usnderstand the terminology correctly. Any fish taken outside of gaming slot is illegal and any fish caught accidentally MUST be returned immediately. A tape, a scale, and photgraphs of everything is about as close as a guy could get to bringing it home without breaking the law. To allow otherwise would have all of us ignoring seasons in the name of trophy fishing. “Sorry about your misconceptions officer, but I’m going for a record.” LOL! Don’t mean to poke atcha mnfish, but I don’t think that’d fly any better than a lead balloon.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I LOVE it!! I never imagined a post about Root River Smallmouth would explode into a passion play!!! I never question someones size of fish they caught!(unless they are a good friend) I know how large they can get or should get in the body of water I fish, so going off on someone’s guesstimate isn’t as productive as finding out the location, presentation and time of year/day it was caught, letting them enjoy their moment of glory(justifiable or not). I would have to say though, if it isn’t me that catches it, I predict the record smally will be caught out of the Root River. Keep the rods bendin’!!! JIm W

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    The post doesn’t say that this was a closed season just hints that it was catch and release. From what I understand, in Minnesota, anyway, that if you did catch a fish (possible state/world record) from a catch & release area/time period or lake that it can be taken to the DNR for possible certification. 25″ is a heck of a fish! I guess I would have done more to verify if indeed was a catch and release time period (assuming) that the fish wasn’t a state record. I guess you would have thought about that, though, since you know your fish length limit guestimates???????? I do agree if the season is closed, it’s closed. End of story. If it was catch and release might have broken all records in In-Fish catch and release category for smallies.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Mnfish, I do agree with you whole heartedly! I guess I’m not the best writer,conveying my intentions clear enough. I guess I meant to state that I try to make light of trophy claims until there is proof to justify. After reading back, it’s sounds like he caught the fish during catch and release season. Catch and release starts at the end of Sept. SO it had to have gone back. I always bring a camera along for moments like these.

    The ROOT has miles of untrodded water, with hole after hole rarely fished. Since river smallies, especially in a smaller(compared to the MISS) return to familiar “wintering” holes. By November they aren’t as aggressive, but they are fairly easy to find! They bite like a sauger this time of year, barely picking it up! SO catching a trophy is very possible in Novemeber. Where am I going with this you ask?……. I need to get out fishing ASAP!!!!!

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    Guess where I’ll be going this fall? Maybe sooner? Also he didn’t say whether was before or after they imposed the catch and release. Was only a few years ago it started. Maybe didn’t read it well enough but didn’t see a year just time of year. Long live the Root!

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    Sorry. My bad. He said 2 years ago. Season would have gone into affect then.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Jim, does the catch and release season in MN require barbless hooks, or is that just trout?

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    Barbless are mandated for the trout catch and release season not Smallmouth. However, it’s always a good thing to go barbless if intending on releasing fish! Does anyone know of a brand of hook (1ot offset) that is barbless? I use a set up that a friend and I sort of created that id deadly for teh Root River smallmouth We use a “texas rig” with a 1ot off set brandished with a 3 inch plastic crawfish! Very deadly!!! It would be nice if they made these barbless, any ideas?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    How difficult would it be to simply cut or grind off the barb on the hooks you’re already using? Another thought is circle hooks…………………..would they work for your application?

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Crimping is an option on some of the cheaper brands like Eagle claw, but not necessarily with Owners. For the most part, in the Fall the smallies aren’t as aggressive, not taking the bait as deep. So I’ll try getting by this season with out. Better bring the hemastats eh?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    geeee mind if I jump in?? (no JMD not into the River!)….

    recent studies I have read show no value to the use of barbless hooks…. based on mortality studies with barbless hooks and trout…. the MOST important factors are short fight times and minimal handling, returning fish to water ASAP… and better yet.. never pull the fish OUT of the water.. but unhook the fish IN the water and let them swim off…..

    on the subject of the 25″ fish… Im sure it was a nice fish…. ive landed a number of nice ones on streams like the root… and I was NOT carrying camera, tape or scale…. I just like to fish.. and toss em back….. I figure it dont matter how big they are… just how much fun I had….. I have fished the Buffalo, Wasipincon, Maqueokata(sp?), Upper Iowa, Turkey, Upper Cedar, Shellrock, Yellow and oh yeah the Skunk (funny huh?)… all these are in Iowa… and are great SMB streams… or at least were…. Ive had little luck finding anything like them up here in Mn/Wi……. I used to pursue SMB relentlessly…. but when I moved up here I could not find the same kind of fishing.. so I took up walleye/sauger in the rivers….. it was just not the same fishing from a boat for SMB…..

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    Very good points to keep in mind. With the catch and release, if I am fishing with someone, once a dandy is hooked the camera is out and ready before the fish is brought to shore. This speeds up the catch and release process and keeping the fish out of the water for a very minimal amount of time!

    SOunds like you have quite the wading experience under your belt! I agree that there is definitely a difference between wading for smallies and fishing for them from a boat! First and foremost, I am usually by myself, never seeing another fisherman! Keep the rods bendin’!!! Jim W

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 4

    I know I have caught many dandy smallmouths that would have been 20 plus inches on the root. I was by myself and even if I had a camera would not have been able to take a picture. That doesn’t matter though because I know the fish were big and were a thrill to catch. I have never fished for them in November however (usually too busy bowhunting) but I think I may give it a try this year. Buckiii

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    I am very sorry for what I started(or Jim started). I will stand by what I think the length of that bass was. I did not have a camera-SORRY! Or a tape measure. Believe me, I have taken a lot of s— for catching that fish. Most people I tell do not believe me. I fully understand that . Had I not caught her I would not believe it either. As I stated earlier I’ve been fishing for a long time on the root and have caught many nice smallies. I actually thought of keeping her. If you can imagine standing in the river, no one around, holding the most gorgeous smallie, not to mention the biggest one you’ve ever seen, well, I really don’t think I even thought of her as being any sort of record. Just a big beautiful fish. Hey! I might be off an inch or two—One way or the other! What ta [censored], maybe Jim or one of you will catch her this fall. I hope someone does. Now, before I’m done, I’ll tell you one more! Last year while I fished for walleyes on the root throwing a wally diver I had a smallie follow. She turned and came back for one more look. The water was again very clear in the fall, I think before Nov. 1. Yup, she was BIG! She was right there for me to see. I use a 9 ft. boat. I WON’T say how big I think she was BUT. How fantastic can it get? JLK

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    What’s to apologize for??? So you can’t please everyone – big deal!!! The point is, things happen and if it’s true, it’ll come to be known, someday, that it WAS true. Who would’ve believed the new Wisconsin flathead record would be 10 lbs. over the old one? Who’s gonna believe that I once walked up to a hiding fawn in the heart of a state forest and held and pet it for 30 minutes when I was a teenager? It happened and I have no proof, but it doesn’t change anything and you’ve nothing to apologize for! A 9 or 10lb. smallmouth is not impossible, uncommon and flukish maybe, but not impossible. Keep on fishing, have a camera for next time, yahda, yahda, yahda………………….fish ’til ya drop and enjoy it!

    I started carrying one of those “one-time-use” cameras about 3 years ago and I go through about 1 per year. I capture hunting, fishing, or anything spectacular and rare. Think of some of the sunrises and sunsets you’ll never see again in your lifetime! I catch them if I can because they too are all part of the memories that make being outdoors special. Just get in the habit, because the day WILL come that you’ll either be glad you did, or wish you had……………..again.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    It’s stories like your’s that keep me fishing man!

    The day I can say I’ve seen it all and when I stop believing that “one more cast” might land me a fish the size rarely, maybe even never, seen before… that’s the day hougie and I will have to look at starting a website devoted to arranging flowers or something because the drive to keep believing in a trophy of a lifetime will obviously have left me.

    Awesome habitat and almost no fishing pressure is the recipe for big fish. I believe a 25″ smallie swims somewhere in MN so why not in the Root River?!

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    I think everyone has got me wrong! Anyway, like I said before, I truely believe the next state record smally will copme out of the Root river!!! Maybe you did catch her!? I remember fishing all alone(like usual) on the NOrth Branch near the end of the regular season. After watching a doe come down for a drink 30 yards away, watching a Pileated woodpecker fly with in feet of me landing on a dead oak and turning towards the setting sun to what it seemed like, getting my last bit of true warmth for the season, I felt that familiar “tick” at the end of my line! Wasn’t a record but a dandy! After catching this fish, I stopped and held her high, laughing to myself in an almost maniacal manner! This is definitely too good to be true! Catching fish like this, by myself in the middle of God’s country! I better stop! Now there might be more guys out in my favorite honey hole!(JK)

    Yes I might have started something, what ever that might have been. I’m not a very artistic and clear writer, so please, never take offense to my coments! I simply want to share info, stories, tactics and most of all learn!!

    Keep the rods’ bendin’!!!! Jim W

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yep… I agree with the last couple of posts…. Ive heard things I doubt, as a fisherman you always do…. but then Ive been fishing long enough Ive had days that others would doubt too… for the most part I dont bother saying anything about them… as much as one likes to share their adventures, if you have to cut back the size or numbers so people believe them then whats the point? for me its never been important to “prove” anything to others….. so I stopped carrying a camera (I just keep things simple)…. there are some things that you NEVER forget… like holding a monster smally in your hands, in a secluded area, all by yourself….. and then quietly letting it slip back into the river….. just a couple of years ago I was fishing in front of redwing when a big fish nailed the bottom jig on a dubuque rig…. I brought it up, it was a HUGE walleye… I laid my floating musky ruler next to her and she was 32 1/2 inches… full of spawn… I did not have a scale.. and did not need or want a mount… I did not net her, or pull her out of the water.. just let the line go slack, with one last shake of her massive head she flung the 1 oz head right at the boat and sank back into the current…. I will never forget seeing her lay next to the boat.. or that last arrogant shake of the head that freed her….. whether people believe or not will never change my memory….

    one of the great things about this board and the people on it, is their genuine acceptance of just about anything.. this is not to say they are “gullible”… but they ARE great people… each and everyone the kind of fisherman you would WANT to have in your boat with you, or wading the same stream, sharing your trips…… the all LOVE fishing…. more than just about anything…. we all share that love for fishing, we all dream of great fishing days, and we all love to talk fishing!!

    Ive never found a better site on the internet that has the quaility of information, and better yet, quality of people……

    ok…. jumping of pedestal now…..

    thanks to all for sharing their fishing adventures… I hope no one ever hesitates to share such things with us here….

    maybe we should have a forum for tales of fishing adventures?

    Ive certainly heard and seen some that I had a hard time believing…

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    Ok. I believe all the other posts (even the 25″ smallie now) But a Pileated woodpecker? Cmon’! )

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