FLW sues BRP – Evinrude

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    MINNEAPOLIS — FLW Outdoors announced that it has reluctantly filed a lawsuit in Minnesota State Court against BRP/Evinrude for their failure to pay its agreed upon sponsorship fees for the entire 2009 FLW Outdoors tournament season.

    Irwin L. Jacobs, Chairman of FLW Outdoors stated, “FLW Outdoors has had a long-term sponsorship and working relationship with Evinrude as a premier sponsor of FLW Outdoors and its tournaments. In 2009, FLW Outdoors received confirmation from Evinrude officials both in writing and verbally that Evinrude had agreed to the continuance of their sponsorship with FLW Outdoors at about the same level of sponsorship fees for 2009 as they had in 2008.”

    Throughout FLW Outdoors’ 2009 tournament season, Evinrude’s representatives and/or management have participated in all of FLW Outdoors’ tournaments.

    “FLW Outdoors has fully supported Evinrude’s sponsorship throughout the 2009 FLW Outdoors’ tournament season,” Jacobs said. “Evinrude has enjoyed all of the same contractual marketing commitments that FLW Outdoors supported Evinrude with in 2008, including, but not limited to, substantial onsite space for displaying and marketing their products at all tournament locations; Evinrude engines installed on half of all FLW Outdoors/Ranger stage and tournament boats throughout all tournaments; signage throughout all FLW Outdoors tournament locations; television commercials on all FLW Outdoors television programming worldwide; magazine advertising; internet marketing and advertising; and heavily-promoted Evinrude on all marketing materials and advertising as part of FLW Fantasy Fishing, an international game worth $10 million in cash and prizes. Yet Evinrude has refused to pay FLW Outdoors any of the amounts it promised as consideration for those benefits.”

    Jacobs further stated, “Not only are we terribly disappointed in the fact that Evinrude hasn’t paid any of their agreed-upon sponsorship fees for 2009, but they also haven’t paid any of the committed contingency dollars on behalf of their Evinrude Pro Staff anglers through the 2009 FLW Outdoors tournament season.

    “FLW Outdoors has advanced on Evinrude’s behalf almost $100,000 to those Evinrude Pro Staff anglers who had cash commitments from Evinrude based upon their performance this season. To date, Evinrude hasn’t reimbursed FLW Outdoors a single dollar for the money that FLW Outdoors advanced on its behalf to the Evinrude Pro Staff anglers.”

    In nearly 15 years of business and tournament operations, FLW Outdoors has never had to sue a single sponsor for failure to pay their sponsorship fees.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Tough times. This should get interesting though. Can’t see anyone coming out as a “winner” no matter how it develops.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’m sure there is more to the story than stated. However, with current economic status of many companies, I’m surprised we haven’t more of this happening

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    Makes me feel better about having a Yamaha.

    Posts: 242

    So I own a Evinrude, and let me get it out of the way that I’m not pro rude, or anti. It’s a motor, I own it, and who knows if I’ll own another. Depends on the next deal. So I’m not biased here. I’ve owned all of the big 3 and a motor’s a motor to me.

    We don’t know the other side of the story… yet. But would you assume that Genmar owes BRP/Evinrude some $? Lots of blue hanging off some of them boats. Now it was stated from the get go that FLW Productions was not part of the Genmar bankruptcy filings, but they are basically the same group right? So put yourself in BRP/Evinrude’s shoes. I owe you $x, and you owe me $x(maybe $x+) and you’re going through bankruptcy and may not have to pay me. Kinda hard to write that check isn’t it?

    Not making excuses for BRP/Evinrude, or saying they are in the right for not paying up…. just putting myself in their shoes.

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