Iaconelli -Did He Find Those Classic Fish Himself?

  • onthewater
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Ok, I’ve heard that Iaconelli may have had “help” finding those Classic fish… What do you think?

    If that’s the truth, then I’m quite disappointed, especially after watching today’s rerun coverage of the 2003 Bass Master Classic on ESPN.

    Is it right that he was put on fish, if that’s the case, to win the Classic? That’s the tournament of all tournaments -other than the Jacob’s Cup of course.



    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Many views, but no replys. Hmm…



    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I watched it on t.v yesterday…..haven’t heard anything as far has him getting help….but he sure does likes to scream alot!!!

    Aurora IL
    Posts: 22

    Every one of the pros fishing BASS or FLW tours, including those who did not win, have been able to get help if they looked for it. The new rule for BASS will be difficult to enforce, in my opinion….. websites such as this are great sources for local information regarding patterns, lure types, colors etc…. While I live in Illinois, I love to FTR on pool 10… and I have gained a great deal of knowledge from the fine people who post here, without having to ask….. Hopefully, I can return the favor someday. Anyone going to Lake Fork next year that needs/wants some help without having to hire a guide to watch them fish? Email me and I will give you my best areas, and patterns for the time of year you are going.

    Back to the question…. It would be great to see Gary Klein win a classic!

    Posts: 315

    acording to the new rule in bass you can not ask for information but you can get on the internet and look at places like this also if your fishing and jo blow says he just caught 15 keepers in slough x on a jig they cant do any thing about it you cant not solicit information for a period of time but if its public knowledge then its fair game

    as for if he found thosse fish or not i have friends who talk to denny brauer alot also my mom once herd at a bass-n -gals tournoment that roland martin had over 150 people who done all or most of his prefishing for him and this was n the early 90’s

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Hey, nice fish, Fenderman!

    The “public knowledge” is, and may become, and interesting loop hole.

    I wonder… If Iaconelli did get put on those fish, and BASS learns of it… I wonder, would they strip him of the title and give it to Klein? The new rules weren’t in effect though.




    St Paul MN
    Posts: 223

    At the end of the day does it really matter? Almost everybody fishing a tourney has resources. People hire guides to learn spots as well as navigation. Lake Vermillion is a great example. Overall, it is about networking. I have heard that some walleye anglers work together pre-fishing then play dog eat dog on tourney days.

    Bottom line is that a winner will use an resource they can, but they still have to use their own abilities to put fish in the well.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I agree completely with Alkfish and I will only add what I have already stated on an email to On The Water. I can’t understand why anybody would accuse someone of something that they had not witnessed themselves,(even if the info apparently originally came from one of our Staff) . Bashing and personal assaults aren’t appropriate on any site. Now if he is actually disqualified or found to have broken the rules,(By last years rules I don’t think so), by the series officials then hey it’s fair game.

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669


    acording to the new rule in bass you can not ask for information but you can get on the internet and look at places like this also if your fishing and jo blow says he just caught 15 keepers in slough x on a jig they cant do any thing about it you cant not solicit information for a period of time but if its public knowledge then its fair game

    as for if he found thosse fish or not i have friends who talk to denny brauer alot also my mom once herd at a bass-n -gals tournoment that roland martin had over 150 people who done all or most of his prefishing for him and this was n the early 90’s

    I was in the boat with Roland at Minnatonka in 96 . He had a legal pad with notes and a marked map .He had a lot of help from the Capra boys. At the weigh in they were still discussing locations for the next day. Guido Hibden called him on it too on the last day but there was nothing Dewey could do.This new rule should put an end to some of it.

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Dear Lawrence,

    I’ve not “accused” Mike Iaconelli of anything. I’ve tried to find an answer.

    The second point is that any discussion I had had with any “staff” was purely confidential. This point is not up for debate, Lawrence.

    I question your politics Lawrence, and I’m even one of your former customers!

    So, there you have it. I’ve questioned the validity of Iaconelli’s win.

    At the end of a day, it does matter. It matters to me that a guy stands before his peers and claims that he’s won -that he found this “magic” spot.

    Now, if I hired Lawrence (which I have), for example, to teach me a given pool, and I won, what did I win? I won a tournament because of Lawrence’s knowledge; not my own.

    So, if I question that call (which was clearly a fumble) between Wisconsin and Auburn, am I “bashing” and making “personal assaults?”

    So far, IMHO, I’ve not bashed or assaulted anyone. I’ve questioned the validity of the win, and that topic came from a private conversation between me and another person.

    I’m out.

    How about

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590


    Very well Put!

    Rack Him!


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Iaconelli… plain and simple fished release fish from another tournament. He was put on those fish by some of the local guys that knew these fish would stage there for a few days. Knowledge that only locals would know. Right or wrong he still went out and caught them but all of us who fish tournaments know that finding them is the hardest part. Getting them to bite is just part of what we do. I suspect this is one of the primary reasons the rule was changed. If you can argue these facts I would be interested in debating the ethics behind. Fishermen keep each other in check throughout the course of the year and this rule is doing just that. Congrats to him for the win. Lets see if he can do it again.

    Posts: 315

    i wasnt there so i dint know for sure but didnt hite and biffle both fish edick lake in pool 13 cause the locals didnt fish it? we fished a tournoment there a week before and half the pros were in the normal spots talked with one guy at the mid to top end of running slough watched him bag a limit out of the ends of the trees said he was hooking all he could he didnt think hed have enough time to get that far and get back with a limit

    when biffle and hite went up in a plain seen edick lake and thats where they chose to fish even though the locals said no one fishes there?? this is all rumour to me i figured they fished the release fish in savanah slough

    how many tournoments a year are won out of marinas? alot most marinas are released fish but if you know you can cash a check on these fish and got nothing else any where arent you going to go make the check?

    i guess im saying maybe he didnt find his own fish maybe they were released fish but i dont think any one on here wouldnt have done the same thing

    acording to the tv he was fishing way south but the mag’said he took 2 fish near the launch site but they showed him fishing the same spot all the time one tv so wich report was right?

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    That’s the point I don’t use politics. I’m a fisherman not a politician and I think??? one of the Moderators. We were told no bashing or personal assaults to keep this site different from so many others that are nearly all the above. I thought that was what I was doing????

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Good link. Great article. Thanks for sharing, Slop Bass.

    So, the question becomes, much like the NO CULL rule (by the way, any news on that front???), will local anglers agree to practice it here during the open tourneys? My guess, probably not.

    Anyone have any thoughts to add???

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I would have to think that most local tourney’s would opt out of this rule as well….but at the level’s we are fishing at (not speaking for all here )…some of us need all the help we can get to still not come in w/any fish.

    I’d think that at these local tourney’s and such, they are more of an educational experience for most of us, and while done w/the opportunity to win money/prizes, I would think are done mostly for fun by those who enter. Am i wrong? Please share thoughts on this.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    My experience has been (for many local anglers) that they “plan” to fish these tournament, but if they are *not* on fish come tourney time, they opt out. I know a couple that operate that way.

    Of ocurse, I also know others that come from across the state (or out of state) to fish and have little to no knowledge of the fish activity, but know the water from years of fishing.

    This topic gets trickier, I think, at the local level.

    Slop Bass – I, too, am interested in those more experienced on their opinions…

    Posts: 315

    in the central open in louisiana harold allen used a local for help to get his first tournoment win

    in a quote from the bass times january 2004 article The pros and cons on change Gary klein says,” for example harold allen just won (a central open) on the ouachita river.my hat is off to harold. he’s a great angler. hes been in it for many,many years.but standing right next to me was was the guy that practiced with him for 5 days,who lives in monroe louisana.in factwhen he accepted the trophy,(allen)said”yeah its really a good feeling ton finally win one of these in some 25 years. but ive got a buddy of mine that lives here and i spent 5 days on the water with him,” he was giving the credit to that guy
    thats not right.thats not how we’re going to advance our image of this sport.”

    this is only an e50 rule right now so its still fair game in all other tournoments (not sure about the classic)

    imagine living on a lake and not being able to fish or look out your window cause you might be gathering information ackk glad im not one of them guys

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