Sunday morning I put in at Champlin and went north with my 16′ deep v with a 60hp since it is about 5 minutes to the Champlin landing for me. I haven’t been up there before so it took me a while to get up very far. I was just watching the depthfinder and taking my time. Made it up to the second or third island, it was named on the GPS but I forgot the name. I was surprised at how fast the river was up there, so I pulled the boat onto a sand bar and started rigging a rod. At that time, guy in a big Ranger came flying by downstream. It didn’t look like a jet, so he must have known the river fairly well. I ended up with one 27″ pike and about a 4 or 5# catfish. There were carp jam packed into every eddy feeding on the surface.
Is anybody fishing the river with any success lately? I was really hoping to find a smallie or two and was kind of surprised that I didn’t hook into any. I can usually find one or two below 169, but the river is much prettier up further and a little more exciting to fish. What’s working (lures, depths, structure)? how do you handle boat control when fishing faster water? I know there are a few of you guys that fish the river pretty hard who probably have some advice for me… I was thinking about putting in at the Crow next time maybe and going upstream from there.

Posts: 50
June 4, 2009 at 3:00 am