MN fishing contest bill needs a push

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Currently a group of anglers active in the DNR Roundtable are looking for changes in the DNR fishing contest statute. These changes are in the Senate Omnibus Game and Fish bill SF1116, Sec. 37-41 and House file 2213

    Anglers need to contact Rep. David Dill 651-296-2190 or 800-339-0466 or email at [email protected] and express support for the Fishing Contest Bill. Also, you can to do your part to help make these modifications by contacting your representatives and tell them to support the Bills. A phone call, e-mail, or fax i all that is needed. The legislative session is near completion so let them know now!

    Here is an overview of the modifications we are looking for:
    to have the permit process streamlined and put online
    to have a best practices tournament fish care certification/competency process developed
    the right to park at public access’s and conduct catch and release weigh-ins on the shoreline
    an exemption for contests that harvest rough fish (especially carp)
    an exemption for contests that have less then $500 in prizes
    removing the “Charitable” organization exemption loop hole
    reducing the permit fees by 50%
    changing the requirement of who needs to obtain a permit from its current threshold of 30 individuals or more, to 25 boats or more.
    Chief Authors : [email protected], [email protected]

    If you would like more information or would like to discuss this matter further, please contact Vern Wagner at [email protected].

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