pool 7 update

  • hydragold21
    Posts: 15

    after spending most of the day on 7 in the rain I have noticed that some large mouth are sitting right on points close to the main channel. Looking for advise because I am new to 7 and would like to have some fish on a wed night tourney, any ideas? If I do find fish, do u guys think they may be schooled up still?

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    Me and my buddy fished a tourny there a couple weekends ago and we did end up with about 15 lbs on five fish flipping around docks….fyi

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 562


    Me and my buddy fished a tourny there a couple weekends ago and we did end up with about 15 lbs on five fish flipping around docks….fyi

    Any rocks around the docks…? was there any current, or were they dead water docks? JW

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    fish lake Onalaska..if there is any competition in your wednesday night tourney it will take over 20 lbs to win. I have been struggling out there mostly due to my lack of spots/knowledge on the lake but the guys that are on ’em are catching enormous sacks.

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321


    Any rocks around the docks…? was there any current, or were they dead water docks? JW

    On certain docks we did have rocks and on others it was dead water docks. There really wasnt much current but we did catch fish off rocks between docks

    Posts: 21

    Cade: Lake Onalaska is a big area, do you think they’re catching em around the dredged areas near Shafer’s, or north of there in the sloughs and chutes past the next landing, or where? I’m kind of like you, I’ve fished a lot on pool 8 but want to make a point of getting to know 7 this year, and I going to start on Wed!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I think the biggest bags are coming off some sacred shell bed or ditch in the middle of no-where on the main lake. But I think a majority of the big fish are coming out of the schaefers area, airport lights, fishermans road etc…community areas…I’m not really sure, but when fishing out by red oak ridge, the rock islands and up near black deer I really didn’t see that many boats, where when I went behind rosebud there were a lot more boats to be found.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    Sounds to me as though you should just stop worrying about where others are fishing and just do your own thing to find them. It will give you greater satisfaction as a fisherman at the end of the day if you find em.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Yeah, I agree on the do your own thing part but I would like to give myself the advantage of fishing a body of water that simply has bigger fish, and higher numbers of those bigger fish. There are trade offs of course, like more pressure, but if that is where the entire top 5 cut caught the fish, and the trend is that way every tournament, I just think its a good idea to get after that size advantage..plus it is difficult to find the right stuff that I am looking for in such a vast area without having any knowledge of where the channels, weedlines, etc. are so where everyone else is fishing sounds like a good place to start and branch off from until further experience is gained.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    and the trend is that way every tournament

    You may want to do some more homework on that subject.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    Whose to say you can’t find a pod of 4+ fish in Lawrence Lake, Goose Island, Pool 9, Black River though? All I’m saying is it’s not a good idea to try and gain a personal edge by going out and finding where people are fishing, especially during tournaments.

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