Lizard baits?

  • natureboy
    Posts: 423

    Does anyone fish with Lizard baits around here in the spring? I’ve carolina and texas rigged them down south on reservoires but never had much luck here (lax area) with them. I’m interested to here peoples thoughts on this one.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    I would get rid of everyone you have, the fish up here dont like lizards.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    a couple of hundred years ago.. June 2nd 1979.. I was fishing with a Mr. Wilson on lake Onalaska.. and he took a big lizard and dropped it in a hole in a stump and got his Lamaglass rod broken in four even pieces by the bass that hit that lizard.. it was unbelievable.. Oh the reason I remember the day so well, well my first kid, was born at 5:30 that morning and after spending that whole night in the hospital with my wife, she sent me out to prefish the first Sun Fish day’s tourny.. we ended up third in the event..

    so I would say that a lizard could be effective around here..

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    You guys must be right,they have the least amount of sales of any plastic in the shop.

    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 18

    I played around with lizards last summer by texas rigging them and zipping them along the surface around lillies like a frog bait. Ended up with three 2-pounders. It’s a bait I keep handy when I take the kids out during the summer. They rarely snag them and they like to watch them swim during the retrieve and every now and then they even work.

    Posts: 1564

    Walleyes don’t eat them, nope, not at all.
    they don’t eat frogs either.

    Posts: 24

    if any one can recall a day a long long time ago before the buzzin frogs came out. One trend for pros was a weight less lizard on the top of slop. Same way we now use frogs.

    n e iowa
    Posts: 16

    Hey, Old Rat, we must have been on the same page at one time as my first kid was born 6/2/79 at about the same time in the am. Happened to be a girl by the way. I didn’t go fishing but drank plenty of beer that night. As far as the lizards go, I have had good luck on them in the spring, black, blk-blue and blk-red flk. Last couple of years, seems like they haven’t been as good but I always try them.

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    I took my dad out last year bass fishing and he pulled out his bag of lizards and I laughed at him asking him what are you going to do with them. He out fished me big time that day.

    p.s He might have accidently left them in my boat

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531


    Hey, Old Rat, we must have been on the same page at one time as my first kid was born 6/2/79 at about the same time in the am. Happened to be a girl by the way. I didn’t go fishing but drank plenty of beer that night. As far as the lizards go, I have had good luck on them in the spring, black, blk-blue and blk-red flk. Last couple of years, seems like they haven’t been as good but I always try them.

    well my daughter was born at Gunderson/Lutheran that morning.. and my wife said,, I AM GOING TO SLEEP.. you go fishing.. and so I did.. and I was pretty pounded.. I fell asleep in the boat as we were coming in from pre fishing..

    it was a pretty good weekend.. first kid and third place..

    and we have all stayed together..

    and I still catch fish on lizards.. and its a great end of the year lure as well..

    but you might want to try four inchers instead of 6 or 8 inchers..

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