fishing shell beds on the river..

  • gregh
    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Slop, you sure you want to get in on this?? I’ll have to hand it to ya that was good and if ya truely want in, dont go crying to Blue or anyone else to come bail ya out!! But for now I’ll give ya that one.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Now I know what the pink razor is for!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    She was really looking sharp during the wedding.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    You’ll have to learn to live with the on-line ribbing between IDO’s very own Abbot & Costello. I’d apologize for them, but the apology would most certainly fall well short.

    I wish I could help you with the clam beds, but I haven’t found a decent clam bed in a long time. Like I’ve already stated, all the good clam beds(I know of) are long ago buried.

    Coyote, why don’t you get on Fleck? Do you believe he can’t give Ol-Rat a spot or two? Do you really believe all his famous clam beds are buried? I don’t.

    Cool….So me and Greg are almost like “pro staffers” or “field staffers”??? Are we the official IDO Pro staff comedians? Thats awesome. I knew you harsh critics would come around to like me….

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    I’m working on it, but I had to change it up abit.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Oh Eron……it’s been such a long winter for you hasn’t it?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Geez Eron… removed all the good stuff from your post. Let’s see….what did you post again…? Some thing about…..oh yeah…here it is.


    Blue Fleck or whoever you are, you mysterious internet god, I’ve always yearned to be like you and I feel like you made an attempt to bring me and Greg to your “level”.

    All that, then you removed it. I’m beginning to think you don’t love me anymore.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Yeah Blue could give Old Rat some spots, but if he did he’d always be looking over his shoulder cause the guy that taught and showed Blue all the same spots is going to be pissed and lord knows I wouldnt want BassKing 27 mad at me.

    I tickles my balls to know that everyone has come to like us Eric, it has taken longer then I thought it would…

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    gees I guess that I shouldn’t mention that I wrote Blue Fleck in September of 2007 and asked to go wing dam fishing one day,, and the again in 2008.. but he has been busy… for over a year..

    however Riverfan came to my aid and we spent a great day on pool 8 together..

    I suppose I should shut up now.. I hope that this doesn’t add fuel to the fire.. .

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    sorry Blue.. it was too easy.. but trust me, and I mean this.. I am just kidding.. the wing dam bite wasn’t what it was two years ago and I know that..

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Blue Fleck……Being the bad guy since June 20th, 1971.

    I’m living the dream.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    Blue Fleck……Being the bad guy since June 20th, 1971.

    I’m living the dream.

    You threw the B-day in, hoping me Eron would give ya a present and sing to ya the birthday song. Well since me and Enron are now so popular we might just have to come see ya on the big day.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I posted that, and really I meant it. So by all means, feel the love and relish in it.

    As far as removing it, I re-read it and decided I should remove it for three reasons…

    1.) I was afraid of making Riverfan jealous…

    2.) I knew it would for sure make Coyote223 upset and raging jealous.

    3.) I realized that even though it was wrote in humor, the folks on “team serious” might come down on me and label me since I haven’t taken any classes on how to properly use and insert emotion symbols. I want to stay on the up and up with the top dogs.

    What did I edit on this post??? Lets see how good you are.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    gees I guess that I shouldn’t mention that I wrote Blue Fleck in September of 2007 and asked to go wing dam fishing one day,, and the again in 2008.. but he has been busy… for over a year..

    however Riverfan came to my aid and we spent a great day on pool 8 together..

    I suppose I should shut up now.. I hope that this doesn’t add fuel to the fire.. .

    Ol Rat-

    I have to put my foot down on this now and stand up for Flaky,Fleck, or green pumpkin, whatever he is.

    I’m sure he would have taken you for sure, its just at that same time, he was in the process of losing his bride to Coyote223. See post form Slop Bass. This was a tramatic time for Cotton Candy aka fleck blue.

    As far as Riverfan goes, this is a family site and I can’t comment. JK

    Oh and ol-Rat, you have a really popular thread going here. You can thank Abbott, Costello, and watermelon seed.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    Well look who woke up from hibrination.

    To answer your question, it was simply an identity crisis deal. And being the oportunist that Greg is, he took advantage of Tim in his weakness.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Eron, why is it you haven’t offered up any of your ‘spots?’

    Oh that’s right….Explaining to Riverfan why you gave up all his spots doesn’t appeal to you.



    p.s. I’m still living the dream.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590



    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    Well look who woke up from hibrination.

    To answer your question, it was simply an identity crisis deal. And being the oportunist that Greg is, he took advantage of Tim in his weakness.

    Its not my fault your slap fight woke me up.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Eron, why is it you haven’t offered up any of your ‘spots?’

    Oh that’s right….Explaining to Riverfan why you gave up all his spots doesn’t appeal to you.



    p.s. I’m still living the dream.

    Ewwww….Old Motor Oil is pulling out all the stops…
    Your confused, is it beer thirty already??…No….What gives???
    You see, I’d happily give up Riverfan’s spots. Its Marinas in the spring and rip rap in the fall. I’ll even one up ya, throw spinnerbaits. How’s that for selling the farm?
    About my spots, well I haven’t found one yet. But when I do, you can bet I’ll start a new thread and tell all.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908


    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    I am not that big yet and hope I do not get that big.

    Does kind of look like you Joe, at least the last time I saw you in the front of your boat!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590



    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    I am not that big yet and hope I do not get that big.

    Does kind of look like you Joe, at least the last time I saw you in the front of your boat!

    If your referring to my physique…that would be 190lbs of rompin, stomping, pure sexual satisfaction.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642




    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    I am not that big yet and hope I do not get that big.

    Does kind of look like you Joe, at least the last time I saw you in the front of your boat!

    If your referring to my physique…that would be 190lbs of rompin, stomping, pure sexual satisfaction.

    Joe, I’ve been told that if you dont stop “that” you’ll develope soars on your hands!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908




    Why is Tim wearing a white dress?

    I am not that big yet and hope I do not get that big.

    Does kind of look like you Joe, at least the last time I saw you in the front of your boat!

    If your referring to my physique…that would be 190lbs of rompin, stomping, pure sexual satisfaction.

    Rompin’, Stompin’? I think your new nick name should be “Rompin’ Joe!”

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Its still “Cooper”

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590


    Its still “Cooper”

    Your going to dig that one out huh? Did you figure out how to get a trailer hitch on your prelude yet?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Talk about digging it up….Prelude?? Geez, Tell a guy something so insignifigant and three years later it comes up. I can tell you’ve beer in the liquor cabinet this winter burning up brain cells. Trailer hitch? U haul can put them on, no problem.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Whatever happened to the idea of roasting someone? I thought that came up once.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    gees all I wanted was to discuss SHELL BEDS ON THE RIVER..

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