Hi all.

  • hydragold21
    Posts: 15

    Hi, all I am going to pump up the level of effort I give this summer fishing because I feel like I could do more to catch them pigs, and I feel this web site would be a great help. I have noticed alot of posts about jiber jabber when I archive back, n that kinda stuff isnt helpful. First ? on here. Does anybody think Bill Dance is a cheater? Last show I watched was pre spawn n he was catching nothing lower then 4lbs, then at the end hes like one last cast 4 one more fish n he caught a 8 lb bass pre spawn on a shaky head with a yum money craw, casting in 10 feet next to a creek channel.

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    First off welcome to Idofishing. And I think this could get very interesting.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    i dont know if he starves the fish, but i agree most of the time it looks like he is fishing small ponds or lakes. i would still rather watch him than the 30 minute roland martin infomercial where he crams so many product plugs in his show, he usually only catches 3 or 4 fish

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Welcome to the site.

    Cheating???? it’s a tv show… something I have to constantly remind my wife about the Y & R all the time LOL

    Keep practicing and you too can have your dream date with 5 – 20 sheeebaa Bass in the prespawn… Our record for 3 fisherman is over 218 legal bass , (something I have probably mentioned to 150 people)… and we only moved once. No they weren’t all 4-8lbs, but there is absolutely no better time in my humble opinion for catching huge numbers of larger bass in a small area than the spring prespawn , and the false fall spawning runs. With the exception of a few midsummer toads… nearly all my largest smallmouth are caught then and all my daily records for LM & SM keepers were set then , too. The spawning run on the ST. Louis River is the same for walleye..you actually get to the point of being bored with catching so many fish.

    As to how, when, where, why, Bill Dance does his show, I have no clue… My favorite parts are enjoying the show for what it is entertainment with a bit of teaching and I can’t help watching for his outtakes… the new one where he takes himself off the ATV at a real good speed had to hurt real real bad.

    I can tell you though that the presentation he was using is a killer technique for that time of year, up here and further south during prespawn…and he mentioned they had been searching for and fishing that area for several days so maybe it’s three days of fishing, but I try not to get too jealous and just watch the show and enjoy it.

    And like a previos poster said he sure does like private farm ponds…. I’m also reasonably certain that there are hundreds of people always telling him where the next hot bite is..without him even asking

    Posts: 1552


    My favorite parts are enjoying the show for what it is entertainment with a bit of teaching and I can’t help watching for his outtakes…

    Me and a friend caught a 30 minute blooper show. We were in tears by the end of the show. I am thinking he is a little on the uncoordinated side. The worst one is when he went to grab a battery off the tailgate and the strap broke. The battery ended up right on his foot.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Bill Dance has fished his own pond for years. its stocked. but those fish are not starved. they wouldn’t get big if they were. but Since its his pond and only HE FISHES IT. these fish get little pressure. and since he is throwing something different at them all the time, because of the new baits that he is sponsoring each week, the fish are not conditioned to refuse to bite.

    it makes fishing easier. But.. and mind you this is a big but..

    Bill Dance still has skills. lots of skills. and his feel is above those of many anglers. He is catching fish that you don’t because he feels them. and His technique is flawless. He knows how to fish.. .and he knows his own pond..

    but with various camera angles one spot on the pond becomes many “different” spots. He is almost always fishing on the north or east side of his pond. and there is one underwater point that gets 40 to 60% of the action. may be even more.

    if you have been watching the show for as long as I have, you come to realize just how limited this pond really is and where the fish congregate.

    The shows that I like the best, although he hasn’t gone there for some time.. Is a creek off a major impoundment that has smallies and Largemouths.. and he had two major flats off the Mississippi, one with all brush and the other with all cypress trees. He always fishes the cypress tree area in ultra cold water in the spring.. the Brush flat is a later spring show..

    its too bad that he doesn’t do Toledo Bend, or Guntersville like he did way, way in the past.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    He does have some funny clips on YouTube that are worth a chuckle -worth the look. Even though he’s just a bass fisherman, he’s a good showman. And yes, this is entertainment, not national security.


    Posts: 90

    Not saying he’s no good and can’t legitimately catch fish, but when it comes to his show, just watch and see how many times there is not a cut between the time he sets the hook and you actually SEE the fish. Almost never.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    I just can get over him dragin the darn fish around until it jumps. he is the onlyone that makes it look like the fish is kickin his butt. it takes him 2 secounds to get it to the boat and 2 min to get it to jump. He may be good but I turn the channel everytime he comes on.

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    First off…I’ve met the guy and had a pretty good conversation with him. He is a nice guy and a pretty straight shooter. Cheating? How is catching fish on tv cheating? Taking fish out of a cage that were caught the day or week before a tournament is cheating…ie: someone taking your money! Did BD do this to you? If you don’t like the show…turn it off! I don’t see the correlation? I guarantee you that most of the fishing shows out there do some sort of trickery to make the show entertaining (back in the day in-fish used a dish pan or bucket tied to their line to make it look like a big fish was hooked up. Babe W shoots all of his underwater stuff on another day than when he shoots the show? Makes sense economically…anytime there is a different camera shot it’s usually an edit to get a fish on the line). I used to have my own fishing a long time ago. When you spend that much money or travel that far to get a show in the can you do what you have to do to make it work and entertaining. Not that BD has to go that far but I’m making a point. Have you seen his Salt Water show? I’m sure they had the sharks and the Goliath groupers penned up and unfed just so they would bite. Why don’t you sharpen your skills as a fisherman and maybe you too could catch fish like that? Or find yourself your own pond that has those fish in it? I think you need to change the wording of your poll. Maybe it should be…Does he catch fish out of a pond that doesn’t see much pressure and or has stocked/fed fish in it? There should only be one answer…Duh! It sells lures! I agree that his show is like an infomercial in that he always catches big fish and doesn’t go to the big lakes like some of the other tv guys do. I don’t watch it much myself. But…I have that option. I certainly don’t feel cheated?

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