blazing saddles- “tool booth… damn! somebodies gotta go back and get us a $%it load of dimes” great movie, great quote
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Bass » What have you learned Dorthy?
What have you learned Dorthy?
November 23, 2003 at 11:18 pm #282928
Hmmm… I have thought about this, and I knew I was missing something… Who has a small child out there on this board? I mean, Dorthy = Wiggles Dinasaur! Right?
Okay, that was weak…
Onto the subject at hand… what did I learn in 2003 on the river:
1. Spring fishing is the most fun… fish are tight, shallow, and more predictable than any other season. Spinnerbaits, suspending Rogues, and watching the Mighty Mississippi be born again.
2. 2003 summer fishing presented the most challenges… low water, higher temperatures created a different summer pattern… head for current and the channel… traditional backwater bite was all but extinct for much of the year.
3. Fall fishing ALWAYS produces the largest of fish… especially smallmouths and fast moving cranks!
4. When two boats arrive at the SAME EXACT SPOT 2 days in a row at EXACTLY the same time it doesn’t mean you both cannot fish togther, share the spot, and develop a relationship… Oh, and keep that spot between your selves!
5. Listening, learning, sharing, and practicing information and techniques on this website can broaden ANYONE’s knowledge base and improve your quantity and quality of the bites.Thanks for the great posts this year… I look forward to the conversations over the winter.
Reel Guy
November 23, 2003 at 11:58 pm #282615My 3 year old wanted me to tell you….
Head, sholders, knees and toes…knees and toes….head sholders knees and toes.
Or was that Fruit salad yummy yummy.jc
November 24, 2003 at 12:45 pm #282958Reel Guy, JC,
If you can name the song I can sing it!
CAUTION: When getting your children a Wiggles CD to keep them quiet in the car becareful cause you will NOT be able to get those songs out of your head either during the day or 3am!
Alas I regress,
what was the topic again?November 24, 2003 at 4:30 pm #282988O my Scooter, now a Raffii sighting.
Like I said there was a time when I could sing any AC/DC, Van Halen, and G&R song.
Now well the list is Wiggles, Raffii, and Blues Clues
Hows that go as we get older we tend just to revisit our youth. I was hoping for my teens not my 2-6th year of life.
All I can do is laugh about it right?November 24, 2003 at 4:36 pm #282990Laugh, Sing-along, and dance to the kiddy tunes with a GIANT smile on your face as you watch your kid(s) think you are the world’s COOLEST! Nothing better!
Okay, maybe watching the kid catch a double digit big-mouth when they are 8…
Until then, I must “Wiggle” with the best of them…
November 25, 2003 at 3:20 pm #283119Less time on the water = lesser quality fish.
New lures are a great way to add enthusiasm and excitement to a new season!
Never mix a bag of Cheetos with a comlete breakfast menu and go pound waves on Mille Lacs!
Helmets might be a good idea when pitching shorelines with trolling experts!
Rattletraps really DO work!
Spinnerbaits are also useful for walleyes, trout, and pumpkinseeds!
Never take a nap where cameras may be present!
Fishing with more board members makes the message board even better!
Innertube wars just might be good enough for the X Games!
Many great quotes can be found amongst our members. My favorite for this year was something VERY close to this: “There’s nothing like a cold beer to stop the shakes. All it takes is a couple and I’m good for the rest of the day.”
(you won’t find it printed here but it’s from this year’s Get Together. The angler will remain anonymous unless he chooses to be recognized, but Plantz and Jon J. should know who it is!)
Posts: 97November 25, 2003 at 4:05 pm #283129I’ve been reading this site for about a year now and have learned alot. I finally decided to break down and let my computer illiteracy take over and let you know something I do know more about. (My spelling sucks too!) You can catch fish behind some of the best if you SLOW DOWN, have confidence and stay focused. By listening to this forum I’ve really mentally can stay focused. DEEP BREATHS help alot when the going gets tough. Fish my game plan and listen less to others (Dock talk). Swimming jigs are extremely versatile exspecially in the post spawn season and when the eel grass is the supper table. With being open with fellow anglers who put their time in, you too shall get it in return!
On the water time is the most valuable tool you have even when the fish aren’t biting. I’m sure theirs alot more but I have to watch out for the supervisor. Thanks for being a great sight!!
November 25, 2003 at 5:44 pm #283148Welcome to the site fishnut! Don’t worry about the spelling…………we all have “bright shining moments”!
November 26, 2003 at 4:04 am #283194Welcome Fishnut! Much truth in your first post!
Because I’m a slow learner, I didn’t learn much this year. But by the end of next year, I should have this years lessions down pat. Here’s a couple things I almost learned:
1) If the makers of this board wanted all the spelling correct, they would include a spell checker
2) Supply helmets and explain what “lookouttttt!) means before you take a casting “arm” out fishing.
3) Always have a first aid kit on board…for #2 (above) and for bald face bee stings.
4) Don’t park in the Afton Channel after dark on a weekend night without a pfd on, lots of lights, a keen awarness of multiple vessle movements.
5) Nice Smallies do hit on fly rods…don’t forget helmets.
6) Most importantly, I’ve learned that this board is the best place to find opinions, other points of view, and new friends…and the fishing info is pretty good too!
“What have you learned Dorothy?” The Missisippi and the Croix ain’t in Kansas!
November 26, 2003 at 8:07 pm #283243I’ve learned that there are no secret lures -but I’ll still keep my eye out for’em just in case
I’ve learned that some who are good sticks have spent time on the water.
I’ve learned that some who are good sticks got their information from the good sticks who spent time on the water.
I’ve learned that my person is not defined by the number or weight of fish that I catch.
I’ve learned that I’m the boss at home ’til my wife gets back.
I’ve learned that the kids know that I’m the boss ’til my wife gets back…
I’ve learned that a Wingmaster and All Star rods that I need are, in fact, not needs, but the DVD, bracelt and ring that the boss wants are.
I’ve learned that it helps to gather points all year so that when I return to the house on a fine spring day with a new boat, my reintroduction into the home is much simpler.
Well, I don’t want to tell you fellows everthing I’ve learned ’cause I don’t want to take away from any future experiences that you may have
December 4, 2003 at 12:34 am #283880What have I learned on the water this year? The same thing I learn every year……Humility, plain and simple humility. As soon as you thing you have the fish figured out everything changes.
Gator Hunter
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