Add Mississippi R. Wingdams to 2007 MN Chip for $5

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Special Deal from Lakemaster

    Here’s the good news >>> All 2008 Minnesota ProMap chips have the Mississippi River wingdams accurately marked from Pool 2 In St. Paul to the Iowa border.

    Here’s the bad news >>> Some 2007 Minnesota ProMap chips DO NOT have wingdams marked except for on pools 4 and 8.

    Here’s the BEST news >>> Lakemaster will upgrade any 2007 Minnesota ProMap chip for $5.

    Here’s how:

    From Lakemaster: If someone has the 2007 version that doesn’t have wingdams it can be updated for $5. We’ll be adding the wing dams but no other additional information. Just call LakeMaster (320-632-6300), we’ll fill out a return order and the customer can send in their 2007 MN chip. Lakemaster will charge the customer’s credit card when the chip is returned to the customer.

    Pretty cool, huh?!

    Posts: 242

    These folks are absolutely CLASS ACTS to work with. I’ve purchased several items from them, and worked with them on a few issues. Talk about AWESOME customer service, and treating the customer right!

    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 158

    Fluker is right, last spring I sent my older chips in to get the wing dams added after talking to them at the show. These were pre-2007 chips, I sent them 3 chips expecting to be charged $5 each but they did them all for $5. Nice surprise.

    Posts: 1530

    Ditto, got mine updated this spring and was very happy with the service.


    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    Mine’s done now too!!

    Savage, MN USA!!!
    Posts: 66

    As one that spends more time chasing “basin” bass than river bass, I think it would be even cooler if they would upgrade the contour lines on the 2007 chips from white to a darker color that could actually be seen. I too spoke to the Lakemaster folks at one of last winters shows and was told that this would be fixed on the 2008 chips but that I was out of luck with the 2007 versions.

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