Great Weather… Great Fishing…

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Wow… I hope you all got out and enjoyed the weather! Even if the fishing was poor, the time spent was awesome…

    For a couple of us, we had some exceptual luck on 7 & 8 this weekend with Smallies… Only two larger ones (2.5 & 3), with all others between 1 and 2 lbs. But the numbers made it fun!

    Have some interesting stories to tell…
    1. The largest Smallie had a Sea Lamphry attached to its head… we saved the fishl’s life for certain. No worries… that lamphrey is DEAD!

    2. While running in the sloughs avoiding duck hunters, I HIT with my prop a 35″ 15lb Northern… My prop SPLIT his head right in half! He was a very tasty meal this weekend for TWO families! I will have pictures to show of him… so no one can say I am a liar!

    So, here is a question to ask… we caught ~35 Smallies in 5 hours… NO LARGIES! (Okay, one, but couldn’t find ’em!) Where do they go this time of year??? What am I doing wrong??

    FYI: The Smallies came in the channel on points and wingdams with FAST cranks!

    Please share your largemouth knowledge, as I cannot locate them!!!!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    It was a great day out wasn’t RG!! Unlike you though, our smallies came from flat, carved out rock along the shore, and they were holding VERY tight to the walls…(pool 7)

    I was also there to witness the Northern that RG hit . It was quite a site . A single blade slice right down the middle of his head…What made it even more interesting, was when RG was fileting this fish, we noticed it had a belly full of eggs. Is it normal for Northerns to carry their eggs all winter long like this? They obviously don’t spawn ’til spring…Anyone have thoughts/comments on this?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    oh yea…one more thing on a bad note…i dropped one of my rod/reels in the water

    West Salem, Wi.
    Posts: 112

    Yesterday was a good day for smallmouth. Fished points and ends of wingdams, like you said, that was the hot spot. Used 5 inch flukes, speckeled, and a plain worm hook, no weight, and short jerks of the rod. Lots of fun, and 20+ smallmouth in a four hour period

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    Reel Guy
    I dont know if this was a fluke or not.I got a large SM saturday in the backwater of goose island.I caught several small ones and on my way out i stopped to fish a blowdown and WHAM!! that baby hit my shadrap like a run away train and she wasnt the only one at that spot.This was more what i was thinking as largemouth water but the SM was there.Like i said im not sure if it was a fluke or not

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Fish of all species start the production of eggs much earlier than we all think. The fact is that many are all most completed prior to the onset of winter. Another interesting thing is that if adverse spawning conditions arise they have the ability to ingest these eggs.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Whoa… cool info, Jeremy, thanks for sharing.

    DanWi… thanks… same for me… Smallies everywhere…

    So, where are the largies??? Mountain Man, you on the water? What have you found?

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The largemouth are setting up in wintering areas. Wintering areas defined as water deep enough to support life through the wintering months with minor to no current. This year I am surprised at the lack of willing takers. In years past this time of year was spectacular. I have noticed fish relating closer to the main river than ever before. I suspect the slower than normal current flow is the major contributor. My only fear is that if the water floods early spring these fish might become to stressed to make it to traditional spawning flats. Either way I like the change. The fish have a much better survival rate in the deeper areas they are setting up in.

    n e iowa
    Posts: 16

    fished 9 on sunday, lots of boats everywhere. did good in minn. slough for lgm. caught quite a fwe fish but biggest was only 2.5, cant find the big ones. hope the weather holds and the bite stays for a cpl more weeks.

    Manchester, Ia
    Posts: 121

    Fished Pool 10 Monday. Best fishing i’ve had all season long. After fighting through a ton of dinks early, around 11:00 the big boys turned on. From 11:30 to 3:00 we were in hog heaven. Thank god we’ve got the pictures to prove it. Hopefully other people are getting out there and enjoying the fall bite.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Glad to hear you had a great day!

    Crees… Smallies or Largies? Channel or backwaters? Any insights? Thanks in advance!

    Manchester, Ia
    Posts: 121

    The up side and downside of islands. Current was key. Most of our fish came on some type of flat in shallow water. Mostly largemouth but a few smallies mixed in.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Thanks. I am headed out this weekend for most likely the last hoor-rah (hopfully not, but…) Hope this cold front doesn’t shut ’em down!

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    Going out this weekend as well. What’s up with the weather. It was nice all week and now it is going to turn cold for the weekend. Weather man got the order srewed-up again.

    Oh well at least the water isn’t hard.

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