I just spent a day and a half fishing goose island. This was my first time there. I was very impressed with the avg. size many 2-1/2 to 3 lb large and smallmouths. They seemed to bite almost anything but my swim jigs. most productive was a chug bug or small popper even with the sun out. I would then back off the area and throw a c-rig with a creature bait. The key seemed to be, being on the ‘edge’ of heavy current. And covering alot of water looking for just the right conditions. The fish were really schooled. One spot produced over 30 fish with the majority being in the 17″ to 19″ range.
My question. I know it is tournament time I don’t want any secrets and I don’t fish tournaments. I’m looking for an area to take some novice anglers. I don’t want to be running around on the main river and this area seems to have plenty of water to cover. I know the water is high and the vegetation, especially the pads, are behind. Will the fish spread out into the cover or will they stay so concentrated? I know there will always be ‘honey holes’. But I fished alot of what looked like good water that didn’t even produce small fish. Just looking for a general answer of ‘yes I can spend all day in there’ or ‘no it’s got some ok spots but they are few and far between’.
One other observation I made. I know there are alot of tournaments run on 8. But of the 80+ fish I caught I never caught a fish with a hook hole in it. Maybe I just answered my own question.

Posts: 76
June 28, 2008 at 1:57 pm