Blue Fleck Invitational

  • blue-fleck
    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    …and you’re all invited!

    This idea has been kicked around for a few days and this is what I had in mind for all you chest pounding Bass Masters.

    When: Oct 11th
    Where: Dresbach Park on pool 7. Feel free to fish any pool you chose as long as you can get there by boat.
    Time: Safe light until 3:00

    $30 per boat. Or $15 person.(if you can’t find a partner)
    4 fish limit. (For those people that can’t find a partner and want to fish)
    $5 per boat for Big Bass.
    I wanted to keep this cheap so everyone can participate. If anyone has any input please feel free to contribute. I understand this is “last minute” and hopefully we can organize a bigger tourney next year.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    HMMM ……have a wedding to go to that afternoon ..and that’s also the fall opener for turkey hunting. …I suppose i can try to go to the wedding in my fishing suit… I’ll see what i can do guys….This would be fun!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Will it be pick your partner? Draw for partner?

    I’m a definite maybe!!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    You can pick your partner and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your partner’s nose.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’d love to be a part………….Dang I’d like to be a part! Tell you what, I’ll just send the money and you catch my fish for me!

    Good luck to all who enter!

    Maybe the second annual BFI……………

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m in as far as fear factor is concerned, my only deal is if it is 45, blowing, and snow flurries, I want to be out shooting marsh chickens instead of freezing in a bass boat!!

    Nice dancing chicken icon by the way!!

    Do the bass still bite in Mid-October? Can’t ever catch any from the duck blind!!

    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7

    I am definately in. It sounds like a lot of fun. Is there anyone out there who needs a partner? Send me a pm. Hopefully, this will be a fun weekend for us to get out and fish.

    PdC, WI.
    Posts: 132

    I’d like to be in it. I’ll have to check my schedule when I get home. I know I have to work my second job that night, but I can’t remember what time. I’d also miss my kids soccer games, but I deserve a day off, cause I’ve been good . I’d need to hook up with a partner if I can.

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    I thought it going to be pool 8 at clinton st like fall frenzy.I will think about it

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I like the landing, but I hate all that idling to get to the main channel. If you want to put in on the lake somewhere like the sailboat club, that’s fine, just be at the beach before take-off.

    I’d like to get a firm count of boats so I can plan a little better for this tourney.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Sailboat club..NICE….i grew up down the street from there….I’ll feel like i’m fishing in my old back yard ….

    I just hope i Can go.

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    I’ll play as a non boater if anyone needs a partner let me know

    Ferryville Wi
    Posts: 21

    It sounds like fun but have a daughter getting married on the 11th. good luck all.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146


    You sure know how to hurt a guy. I have a long planned
    duck hunting trip with my youngest son, or I would be
    there. I do need a good lesson in fall rivers, but
    tournaments like this are hard for this old duck hunter
    to make. If you ever have an early spring tournament,
    like this, I am there.

    Big Bass Bane

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    But this is for AMATURES!!! No seasoned pro’s allowed.

    Actually you know you are more than welcome. At the end of the tournament Tom is forgetting to mention that you have to mark our maps with all the hot spots.

    In your duck hunting adventure may the BlueBills fly close and in great numbers.

    Later Randy,


    Posts: 780

    Yeah, ask ol’ Blue Fleck how he’s going to be holding up that morning after his anniversary celebrating the night before! Seriously, to all who want to do this, you will have a lot of fun. And if there are a decent number of you, maybe I can talk Blue Fleck into having you all come over for a brat or hamburger on the grill afterwards. He’s probably crappin right about now! HA!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Mmmm….grilled smallmouth. I haven’t had that since I was a wee-fleck. Largemouth taste REALLY good with Barbeque Sauce.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I have been floating those brown and green carp down the river all year. Can’t wait for tip up season to begin. I will put a hurtin on them fo-sho.
    Nothing like Grilled BowFin.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Tom said somewthing about selling your McGuire collection and springing for Steaks. Sounds like a great idea to me.


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Is that a collection of Coach Al McGuire’s highlights from his days at Marquette?

    Or maybe a collection of Paul McGuire’s lowlights as an NFL player and innane broadcaster?

    Or a collection of Tobie McGuire movies showing his progression from child actor to Spiderman?

    Or a bunch of tapes of “The Lizzie McGuire Show”?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I think it was just several copies of “Jerry McGuire”

    Posts: 780

    If he dare TOUCHES my McGwire collection he’ll be sleepin’ wit da fishes for sure! And you soon after, Sling Blade!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    “French Fried Pataters, Mmm Hmmm”

    “I’m a gonna kill you now”

    Posts: 780

    Oh NO! Not another one! I thought Crawford was bad enough. Who else knows all the words to that movie?

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    “Whadd’re ya doin’ with that lawnmower blade, you #@!#@! retard?”

    “Fixin’ ta kill you wid it… Mmmm Hmmm.”

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Who is the real Tom donaldson?????

    Posts: 780

    we need to get back on track here people. By the way, nice pics JC. I always wanted Mac on his back! sorry honey!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    From What I hear someone has already spent some time on there back.


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