Okay, I can adress a couple of different points here:
Now maybe you and others would not like to see that major of event held in your area. I’m thinking of say LaCrosse…how many millions of dollars that would pump into the local ecomony.
Not me, but “others,” which I have never figured out. Personally, I think tourney anglers get the shaft, and we see it even on this board when people complain about someone running them over or running up on their spot, yelling at them for being in a place, etc. Tourney anglers are always the first to get the blame, with no conclusive evidence that it was a tournament participant with which the incident occurred.
Tournament fishing is repsonsible for almost every advancement in tackle, boats, electronics, and motors in the last 35 years (since the first bass boat companies were founded in the mid-sixties, if I remember right). All of the cool stuff and gadgets we have to play with today are the result of advancements desinged to give one angler the edge in a tournament – save GPS, thank you DoD!
Gianni- with respect to your opinions on special interest for special people, one thing that you must think of is that this bill in legilation was proposed and brought up by the tournament guys.
sportspersons in the fishing community that have took it upon themselves to try to change a law.
Maybe I should ask you this:
Are you trying the change the law? It looks to me more like you’re trying to exempt yourself from it (collectively, that is).
I don’t have a problem with the former. The latter seems a bit unprincipled.
There are two arguemnts that seem valid:
1. Culling does not harm the fishery.
2. Culling has the potential to damage the fishery, but should be allowed regardless.
Now, the argument for (1) cannot be made exclusive to tournament anglers, as many people who are not fishing tourneys have adequate livewell facilities on-board to keep fish just as healthy as those tournament guys. The lack of an 80mph ride upriver might even be a bonus for those fish that get caught by the weekend angler.
JC (and previously, I) present a balanced solution which allows for (2) to be enacted. Tournament fishermen admit that they are causing potential harm in culling and pay a fee, be it a “tourney tax” or special license, whereby the money goes toward reinstatement of lost resources. To avoid this reinstatement, you would have to convince me that the fish are not public property (this opens an avenue by which lake assn’ members can undermine tournaments).
Anyhow, I’m rambling something fierce. Better preview and stick it up there for people to throw darts at.