Okay, so who is DONE for the year?

  • oldrat
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Well how many of you have hung it up for the year? I haven’t as yet, but I have not been out for over a week either. But I won’t go alone in cold water. Not safe. and no one should. I’ll make a couple of calls for the week end.

    But, how many of you are done?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    done here – focusing on ducks and deer now

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    we have a month of fishing yet!

    Posts: 662

    I’m thinking about Lake geneva smallmouths next week.

    Here’s last week……..The boy has a horseshoe up his butt…..

    Posts: 1748

    put boat away Tuesday

    did have a super nice day Monday

    Posts: 1530

    We’re just getting to the best part of the season. I’m not done till iceup.


    Mondovi, WI
    Posts: 77

    I definitely agree with John that this is normally the best fishing of the year. However, this year September was hard to beat for size and numbers . I’ll be out at least until late November.

    I chickened out because of the wind yesterday but I see a certain Ranger braved the elements. How did it go? Man the lake looked dirty and the waves massive.


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    We went Tuesday when it hit 70deg…..1 fish in the boat and two misses……I’m Done

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    not done yet have been out with good success on a couple of area lakes am going to the wolf sat. to catch some of those brown fish.

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    I’m with you, Fan. I don’t even think about putting the boat away until we get out of the 40s.

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    Not done, you’ll have to drag me away like a screaming infant tantrum’ed child.

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 183

    still hoping for a few more trips out

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111


    We’re just getting to the best part of the season. I’m not done till iceup.


    See you this weekend John!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    well I am looking for someone to share the boat on Saturday. Any takers?

    Alex Welter
    Bangor, WI
    Posts: 306

    I’ve been done since september… school hits me hard. When I do get back I usually hunt. I am already pretty pumped for next april though.

    Posts: 1530

    This is why I won’t put my boat away till ice-up. We’re leaving for Green Bay tonight for some serious smallmouth action so I wanted to get out and test a couple jerkbaits. Here are the 1st 2 fish of a 30 fish day. Had about 10 small LM and 20 or so smallies. About 5-6 were the size of the fish in the picture. Water temps in the 50’s and the flow is starting to come down. The best smallies were on wing dams and out away from the bank. None were in their wintering areas. That tells me there’s a lot of good fishing to come.


    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Thanks a lot John! Good to know wingdams are producing fish again…I’ll definitely be using a couple on Saturday…

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Once the ducks start flying, fishing is few and far between for me.

    Nice fish John.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 172

    One more week and I’m done…although I’ve been telling my wife that for about a month now so who knows .
    I think the colder weather next week should make it even better.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Well Gees I thought that I had more friends out there then that. No messages to go fishing this weekend. Hey I took a bath this week an’ everthing. ( cuz’ it was the en’ of the month ) I know that I am ancient and eccentric but I have caught a bass at one time. Let me know if you want to take a chance. the rat.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I think I might be heading down to 9 this weekend..I hear the largies are going nuts

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    I got out down here on Wednesday and caught about 40 bass in 5 hours. Nothing big, a couple in the 2.5 lb area. They were on dying weed edges out of current- all lm except a sm caught on a bridge piling in a deep creek.

    Posts: 354

    The water in the rivers down here are still in the mid 40’s. I’m still wading and catching smallies, nothing of any size though. And I’ve had to change from the breathables to the neoprenes!

    Posts: 242

    Was out last weekend and caught the biggest of my life, 7-6. 45 degree water temps and terrible wind! (Still waiting on pictures)

    Hoping to make it out once or twice more this weekend, then that will be it for me as I’m off to see the family (11 hours away) for the next 2 weekends.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    largie? smallie? River? lake?

    wow that is a true hog fluker

    Savage, MN USA!!!
    Posts: 66

    Hmmm….I think I recognize that yellow tree in the background Nice fish John!

    Posts: 1530

    Lost a little water temp but still got 45 degrees and the smallies are still on the wing dams. All of these fish came off the same dam. The boat is staying out for at least a month.


    Posts: 240


    Glad to hear it! When are we going out?


    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Nice fish John. Who is that other guy in the picture?

    Did you let Dick catch any?

    Posts: 240

    Doubt it. He probably just let him hold a couple of his fish for the picture so he looks like a good guide. Or at least that’s what he does to me!

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