Did anybody else get the new Illinois Outdoor News paper that they sent in the mail….trial issue I guess.
Looks pretty good, all Illinois articles so I was happy to see that.
One story really got my attention, its the one about the City of Albany imposing a tournament fee of $350.00…..the fee is not the big deal. The big deal is the qoutes by the Mayor and her husband…WOW….
Things like this…. “They come to town and think they own the place, park all over….and are just RUDE.” and “If they can afford 30,000 dollar boats and drive all over the state with $3.00 gas, they can pay the fee then.” Her husband says this…”they don’t spend any money in town, just use our facility and leave..”….
And the best one…”The FLW or BASS weekend series came to town and never even told us.” when questioned about this by the interviewer, they discovered that FLW had sent a letter asking for any requirements of the city, but it was never responded to…….the mayor said this “It’s their responsibility to keep trying to contact us, till we respond.”
LMAO…ok…..well, Albany just got put on my list of places to visit, but never drop a dime. Most tournament guys or regular weekend anglers spend good amounts of money at the sites they visit…gas….eats….lodging….bait. She has no clue.