Catch the same fish twice?

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Good Morning Gentlemen…I was fishing the black yesterday searching for active fish for our weekly tourney today, and i stumbled upon a 19″ 4lb. LMB. He was holding to the only submerged fallen tree still in the water, just off of current. I quickly took a pic and released him into his honey hole. My question to you guys is:? Can you catch the same fish two days in a row? or is he too stressed from being caught, that he won’t feed for a day or two?? What are your guys thoughts?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I would say yes you can catch that fish 2 days in a row. You might even be able to catch that fish twice in the same day. Granted a few hours may have to pass, but it is a reasonable assumption to beleive that fish will feed again. Sooner or later in the course of the day that fish is going to get hungry and search for something to eat. Timing is the key.

    Here’s my experience with fish that get hooked and bite again. I hooked a nice smallmouth on a carolina rig one afternoon fishing with my wife. I fought the fish over half way to the boat only to have the line get cut from zebra mussels and whatever else lie on the bottom. About 15 to 20 min later I re-tied the carolina rig with the same lizard and threw it back into the same spot and instantly had a bite. I set the hook and caught the fish. Upon further inspection, the hook and lizard from the previous cast was buried deep in the throat of the fish. Believe me I was in disbelief myself. After telling a few of my friends that have fished bass longer than I have, they too admit to seeing things like that.

    That being said I would say yes you can catch that fish 2 days in a row.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    carolina rig, smallmouth, lizards….. what?! You don’t say. They’ll eat them things?!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    shhh….not so loud someone might hear you.

    Aurora IL
    Posts: 22

    I was fishing a club tourney on Pool 10 July 18-20, the water was up pretty high, checked the wooden railroad bridge by the gambling boat on Friday during practice, caught a nice largemouth (3-12) on my first cast on the right side of the middle trestle…. Saturday, told my draw partner that I needed to check the bridge…same lure, same cast, same fish, big bass for tourney….

    Found some pretty good fish last weekend on 10 also, main river schoolies in 2 different, very easy to find locations, lots of small fish with 2 to 2 1/2 pounders mixed in…. Anyone need something for this weekend email me… first email gets the spots and lure of fishes choice . Will only give this up to 1 person….

    Hope it might help someone….

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    fleck, did you fish last night?

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    A little smallie on the end of my line once told me they even eat plastic frogs…….

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    No, would have liked to but my little girl needed me more than I needed to go fishing. I will be out tomorrow trying to find my way around. I can’t remember when I last saw the flow this low. At least a few years if not mor. From what I hear, it’s made things on the river very interesting.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    I would suggest also taking it easy back in the backwaters. I know Pool 7 very well, especially the Blue Pond, Round Lake, Gibbs Flat areas… I hit something VERY hard (rocks I believe) last week going 35 MPH… Skeg looks pretty bad… I have run that at LEAST 100 times before and didn’t even know rocks were back in Blue, at least in this particular area…

    Just word of caution. Take ‘er easy out there.

    Champman… how’d you fair last night? I didn’t see the Champion while I was skiing…

    Posts: 90

    Twice this year I have caught fish with noticeable markings on them and had my partner catch the same fish the next day in a tournament. Both were in the spring, though, and the fish my have been on a bed or guarding fry.

    The funniest one was on Pool 12 once. Caught a 12-incher with a hump back and a black spot on one side on a spinnerbait off some rip-rap. About five minutes later, my partner catches old humpy on a crankbait. About five minutes after that, I catch him again on I think the same spinnerbait. Fish must have had a death wish.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    couldn’t fish this week, moving into a new house. Had civil duties this week to keep the girlyfriend happy . + i needed to give them guys a rest

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    New house + Girley friend = Less fishing and I suspect wedding bells in your near future. I just asked Miss Cloe.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    So slop bass, did you catch him two nights in a row?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Hey MossB, Unfortunately I did not…I fished that spot hard, but he must have left, or was ignoring my lures!!!… I Did catch some fish, but nothing of any size..Oh well.– I’ll be out fishing all weekend, maybe i’ll find some bigger fish.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    i’m holding out til she buys me a new champ!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i’ve caught the same 17″ smallmouth 3 times in the last 2 months on the zumbro river. once on a crank, once on a mister twister, and once on a woolybugger. she has a kink in her upper lip, apparently from being caught before . she’s been in the same spot all 3 times, and hit’s on the first cast. i don’t fish the spot every day so i don’t no if you could catch her 2 days i a row .

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Yep, You sure can.
    I was prefishing this spring and on one bush I stuck a 3lb largemouth with one all black fin. It was pretty obvious. The next day I was telling my partner about this fish and when I went back she bit again. I have had this happen multiple times and I am positive it CAN happen. To bad it doesn’t every time.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    You might want to rethink this one… A quality catch would be buying you a Triton.
    Couldn’t resist.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590


    She has good taste and is all with it upstairs so I would say the chances of a triton are slim and none. Sorry!

    Posts: 175

    I would have to agree with Crawford. Any smart woman would buy a Triton. Going to be my next one. Cause the wife says so.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    obviously two gentlemen that haven’t taken the “ride and decide” in the best “all Water” boat. I choose champion for it’s big water capabilities and stable cornering and running surfaces. I will never be caught dead in a triton on big water! no pun intended

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    If she were like wife she would be dead set on a “CHARGE”‘R
    Or at least thats what the bills each month would dictate.

    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    Absolutely you can catch the same fish twice, sometimes as soon as 1 minute later! Honest, this story is true. It happened last summer during a fishing contest out on Mille Lacs, drifting off the edge of a mud flat. Me and Ben and Brian were about halfway through a 45+ fish day (sadly with no legal fish to weigh), and I caught a 24″ walleye, just as we came off the edge of 7 Mile. He had the hook pretty deep, so I cut the line and tossed him back in the water. By this time, we were a good 50 yards off the edge, and Ben and Brian were reeling up to motor up and start a new drift. We were over about 34 feet of water, and Ben had his leech and spinner reeled about half way up when, bam, he gets a hit. He brought it into the boat, and sure enough, it was a 24″ walleye with my #6 red Gamakatsu hook down in his gullet. So you can indeed catch the same fish twice. He was so hungry, for all I know he might have got caught 3 or 4 more times that day!

    Posts: 175

    Well Champman You haven’t invited me for a ride and decide yet. I personally would like to go back to a Stratos if I could find a dealer close by since Al’s doesn’t handle them anymore.

    Posts: 517

    I lost my jig in a little piggie once… an hour later coming through the same strech of water my uncle landed the little piggie with my jig in his hungry lil mouth.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 32

    My fishing partner said he saw a study recently on the length of memory of largemouth bass after being caught. He said it indicated the timespan is actually less than 2 minutes. I was surprised that it was that short. So don’t give up on that lost fish too soon. In a few minutes he may have forgot all about it.

    Oregon, WI
    Posts: 152

    True story, Memorial Day weekend, 2000. Chequamegon Bay, off Oak Point, depth 2 feet, sand bottom, single spawning bed containing a 22 inch SM. My brother catches the fish on first cast with a black neon tube measure, photo, release. One minute later I catch the same fish on a jignpig brown/orange, immeidately release. For giggles I throw a green pumpkin lizard past the bed and inch it close and fish turns black again and crushes the lizzie. Catch and release again. Now for the kicker, I throw a tube with a turned in hook back on the bed before the fish gets back and you guessed it, the fish picked up the bait again and would not let go of the bait. I brought it all the way to the boat and had to pry open the mouth to get the tube back!

    Now this may be a bit different than other non-spawning ritual fish but it goes to show that these animals are not rocket scientist material and I believe that I could have caught that fish all day long or until one of us died of exhaustion.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    Caught the same dogfish twice in the same day. Does that count?

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