okay a question about wing dams..discussion please

  • oldrat
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Okay, I have just returned to fishing this year after a number of years on the sideline..

    I don’t want to take anyones “spot” but I would like some information on wingdams..

    right now are you fishing right where the dam touches the banks?

    and then are you below the dam and casting up stream or are you above the dam and casting down stream..

    or are you now working the outside ends of the dams..

    This is not taking anyones spot.. this is getting a guy back in the game..

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    right now are you fishing right where the dam touches the banks?

    Right now, I’m fishing the whole wingdam. Most of the fish are in the middle on out to the ends. There are times when I fish where it meets the bank, but not right now.


    and then are you below the dam and casting up stream or are you above the dam and casting down stream..

    That answer depends on how deep the wingdam is. I have a couple now that are only 18″ deep. I have to fish them from the bottom so I don’t spook the fish. If it’s a deeper wingdam, I wouldn’t have any problems fishing it from the top.


    or are you now working the outside ends of the dams..

    See answer #1.

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    Hi Rat,
    I am not a bass guy but here is my two cents on the dams.

    If I am on new water that I have never fished then it is map time. I look at the two dams closest too a river change. Meaning an island, a turn, or a cut. Now these two dams could be above or below such river changes.

    Then I am looking for flow and eddys. When I am searching new dams I stay parallel and let fly with either a crank bait or a bucktail jig. I with cast the upside and try and cover the prime zone. Then drop and cover the back side.
    If I get no response in 3 to 5 good casts I move on.

    All of the techniques you mentioned will and do work. It is just a matter of finding which dams those techniques work best on.

    Good luck out there.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Between Blue and Greg, that’s it in a nut shell

    You will weed out good and bad wing dams in a hurry

    Posts: 1137

    These topics and replies are what make this website a top notch website

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    now if I can find a volunteer to take a day with knowing that you will catch fish, I will be set for the weekend..

    everytime you take a less experienced fisherman, they want success and they want it now without doing a work day or two on the water..

    and while I have enjoyed watching total rookies catch their first fish on worms, this year, it doesn’t give you the time to look for fish, or like I said, accept a day or two on the water with no fish, looking and learning a new system..

    thank you again for your help.. I truly appreciate it..

    and if any one of you is willing to teach me wing dams.. Let me know… Because the truth is what I know about wing dam fishing, you can put in a thimble and have lots of room..

    thanks again..

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I’m always ready for a couple hours on the water.

    Posts: 111

    This is one of, if not the best wing dam bass fishing technique threads I’ve ever read here or anywhere else online for that matter.

    Thanks, guys!

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